Friday, September 6, 2024

A Well-Planned Friday!

I was up early and it was still blaring hot... But I ran 9k and hope to finish 50 by tomorrow! I'm praising God!

Then I tried to get Alan to help me to log into the Carrefour online shopping as I wanted a few items which were heavy, such as bleach and dishwashing liquid. We finally got that done after his return from the Padres game!

I was going to go to the old house to clean, but it was stinking hot out... and I just couldn't stomach the thought of scrubbing in the heat. So, instead, I opted to work on my talk for 9/15. 

Of course, I had gotten Mom up and out and checked on the recycling area before sitting down to work. It was splendid! That message is not finished but I've got the ppt started and point 1 finished! I also looked for a church in Fukuoka which I sent to the students.

At about 1:30pm (after finishing the order for Carrefour and eating my lunch), I headed out. I went to WGE and did a quick workout. I wanted to take a shower, but I didn't have time! I scootered over to meet up with a gal to drop off the pan, lid, chair and spatula for her. She had come to our complex but the guard was not helpful and she left without the bag of stuff.

I then went to this area where I was to meet up with a gal to look at an apartment her mom wanted to sell. It was small and I think it needs some remodeling. I will pray for three days and message her. I like the location.

On the way out, I noticed her boyfriend had a tattoo. It looked like the Greek Letters that are encase in a fish logo. And I asked him. He said he is a believer. I asked her. Her answer was more interesting. So, I stood there and shared with them. I also prayed with them and invited them to our church. They worship 'creation' and also God. They need the Holy Spirit to bring them to surrender their lives to God.

I scootered around the area and then went back to WGE for my shower and then went to shop for a few things. I also picked up the handouts before heading home.

It was perfect! 6pm! I wanted to drop off the donation and the money, but I think I'll do that tomorrow!

I cut up the fruit that I had bought and then got Mom to bed before getting back to my message prep.

I really am praying that the Lord will lead me to share with someone each day. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 - Listening Faithfully

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. I was wondering when Alan was getting back. Sounds like he is there from today’s blog. Glad he is home. It’s super hot here too. Yesterday 108, today 110. Over 100 all week. It is usually very hot the first two weeks in September.

  2. He is still in the States... That's why it took two tries before I can get online to order... The confirmation number goes to his cell phone number... and he has to send that to me! He arrives back on 9/11!

  3. Yes, I'm planning to go and pick him up! That's the only way that will work, unless he takes a taxi because I have to get Mom off!
