Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Usual Wednesday!

I was up early and went and ran 9k! It was not easy. The heat started early.

I was home and so happy to be taking a shower!

Then it was Mom Care! As soon as she left, I was down in B1 for the... RECYCLING PICK UP! 

When that was done, I was upstairs working on my talks and preparing the handout for the Soochow Study that will start on October 9th!

I had to go to the hospital to get the prescription for Mom's medication. While there and waiting, I went and looked at the second hand store and bought a Missoni dress for 30NT$! I also bought a shirt for Mom. After a quick stop at WGE, I was home for lunch at 12:30!

I had packed up stuff for people to pick up and one of the lady is the pastor's wife. She was very sweet! I hope to give her more stuff in the future. She ministers to the Filipinos in the Taipei area.

I was back on my computer working on things before going to tutor at 4:00pm.

The helper came to get Mom from the van but I had everything ready.

I was home by 6:10!

Tonight, tutoring at 7:30 and then I went to meet up with the students at Soochow.

Isaiah had dinner with Fenny after work!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Your Daily Verse - Philippians 3:10-11 - Inspirations

Read this sentence today:

Resurrection stillness brings resurrection power!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ