Monday, September 23, 2024

A Tiring Monday... So, What Else Is New???

Let me back up... I didn't go to bed until 12midnight... and Alan and Isaiah were up for their football game at 1am. But they both didn't get up until the third quarter... The game finished at 4:40 and I was up at 4:46. It was cloudy out but when I did go out for my 8k, you guessed it. HOT! SAUNA HOT! At least it wasn't sunny!

I got home and it was straight to Mom care. After she left, I went down to the recycling and saw the old janitor there... working at a snail pace. It was 8:45 and he had just started with the recycling. I helped him and when that was finished, I lined the management company. WHAT IS GOING ON? They put our new gal to another complex for just today... She will be back tomorrow!

I had to strip Mom's bedding and do another load! I had double layered her diaper, but she peed through everything. 

Isaiah was working from home, which was great as we all went to get the passport pictures done. Alan went to school. Isaiah went to the office to pick up his computer plug. I went to the housing report office as the paperwork was finished. Taiwan is so efficient!

I was home and started making phone calls: Toshiba Washing Machine Repairman, Hearing Aid Company, Isaiah's afternoon tea reservation!

I ate a quick lunch and started on Mom's room! I wanted to air everything out and I cleaned her various containers and filled everything up! I found a pack of night inserts. I'm going to try those tonight! I have had to change the bedding four times this past week!

We still had some leftover for dinner... and I made a huge salad! 

I do want to say that I got a new appliance from the recycling. I cleaned it up and tested it. Works perfectly. I can now make soybean milk or other drinks for Mom. It's amazing and delicious! I just put the soybeans in with water and in 30 minutes, I've got freshly made soybean milk! Thank you Jesus! Mom cannot drink any diary milk. It gives her diarrhea! 

This evening after Mom went to bed, I had my Bible study online. And tomorrow morning I will have my Tuesday morning Bible study at church. I will start cooking at 4am! I also have to get stool and pee samples from Mom for her physical tomorrow. The Day Care Center will be handling everything else!

I forgot to mention about another new 'teaching job'... project based. Great pay and the project sounds fabulous. I will guide 12 students in making a video of their choice. I meet with the students once a week for three hours. And we have eight weeks to complete the project! Each student will produce their own video! The job will start in October and the pay is like 70US$ per hour! And the school is less than 10 minutes from my house!

Daily Lovely Insight:

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Read verse 6, if you have time!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. The work sounds interesting and good money. Hire the helper for sure. You will need it. Ask other people to bring food to church and Bible studies. You can save a lot of time by sharing in the food responsibilities, instead of doing it yourself. Buy premade muffins somewhere so you don’t have to bake so much. Costco has good prices on goodies. They also have delicious premade food you can just heat up instead of cooking time. Send Alan once a week to Costco with a list. When I was caring for my dad I often their enchiladas, stuffed bell peppers, lasagna etc. it really helped to just pop it in the oven when I got home.

    1. well they have Chinese stuff I am sure that are sort of equivalent!!!! BUY BUY and save time

  2. Those items are not available here... but I will definitely buy things from Costco!
