Friday, September 13, 2024

A Date!

I was up early and went for my 8k! The skies had a few clouds... which helped a lot!

After Mom went off, I went and checked the recycling and then went to WGE.

Alan and I met up at 10:30 and we went to Coco, the drink place! Alan bought three!

Then we went looking for a place to eat... We finally found a great Cantonese place... and the fried noodles were superb!

At around 12:30, we took off as the place was getting very crowded! We went to the DMV in Shihlin as we had to update the information for Alan. The government changed his PARC number. The government offices here are so efficient! We were finished by 1:30. I lined Isaiah and asked him to make an appointment for Alan to get his hair cut at the 100NT$ place. He made it for 2:30. We then headed over to Carrefour to update that information so that it's no longer with Alan's cell phone number. I put my cell phone number down so I can order things online! We got to the haircutting place by 2pm and the lady was free! Alan had a great cut... It took about 10 minutes! Then we scooter over to pick up the dehumidifier that I had dropped off to get fixed! It cost only 25US$! YIPPY! On the way back, we again stopped at Coco. Alan bought three more drinks!

We were home by 3pm and went over the calendar! Lots of different events happening in September and October. 

I had tutoring at 5pm so I was out the door by 4:15, after setting everything up for the helper who came at 5:15.

I was home by 8pm and got Mom to bed!

Then it was time to blog, check my email, and prep for my tutoring sessions for this upcoming week! Not to mention, I'm the speaker on Sunday!

What A Date!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 48:35 KJV Bible Verse Images

Jehovah-Shammah - The Lord Is Present Vinyl Wall Statement - Ezekiel 48:35

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

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