Monday, September 16, 2024

A Different Kind of Monday!

I was up early... and ran my 8k. But I knew today might not be the usual Monday! And I was right!

I asked Alan if he heard Mom as he and Isaiah got up at 1am to watch the Charger Game. And yes, he heard Mom talking... I had gone to bed at 12midnight and Mom was talking. I tried to have a conversation with her, but everything was gibberish. So, I guess she kept going for a long time...

At 5am, before going in for my quiet time, I went and checked on Mom. Her eyes were still opened... and it wasn't until around 7:33 that she finally closed her eyes. And by 8:15, I heard her snoring. I called and messaged the Day Care Center and Mom stayed home. 

It was good that Alan did not have class until1pm, so he was able to stay home as I had a long list of errands to run:

bank to help a friend wire money

copier to get things Xerox for tutoring

household registry office to get two copies of the registry in English for our passport renewal (will be ready in 6 working days or earlier!)

hearing aid store to get Annie's hearing aid repaired (600NT$ to check, even though we know what the problem is. I will be informed of the actual cost to get it fixed within three days and will also be charged an additional 300NT$)

stationary store to get a pen refill for Alan (NT$50!)

I was home by 11:35 and Alan took off!

I got Mom up and showered and she had her lunch!

She was not talking anymore and had better mobility. So, I'm sure she should be able to go back on Wednesday as tomorrow is the Mid Autumn Festival 'holiday'.

I cancelled my 2pm tutoring and rescheduled it for Monday, September 30th.

The evening was nice and relaxing... I was able to get Mom to bed early!

Daily Lovely Insight:

A friend sent me an article about delirium. I am fairly sure that's what Mom is going through. I am not anxious... Like the message I gave yesterday... I will aim for, focus on, seek first, His Kingdom and His righteousness. God is with me. I need not fear or be anxious about tomorrow.

Luke 12:29 WEB Scriptures Images

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ 


  1. progression of dementia is never predictable and a hard road. mom I love you and Lovely too

  2. you can fix both rechargeable batteries for 50 dollars???? yes please

  3. Are you giving her the same sleeping medication as usual? Has it stopped working? Hopefully her doctor can prescribe something else so that she can sleep at night. You obviously don’t want her too sedated, but there should be a happy dose that will work for her. It just may take some experimenting to find the right amount.

    1. Yes, my mom will be going in for another psych evaluation in December. But this delirium is a new thing... it's not every day... but for the past month, it's been like two to three days a week and then she snaps out of it.

  4. Annie... the hearing aid store has not given me the quote for replacing the rechargeable battery. I had to pay 600NT$ to send it in. Then I will have to pay 300NT$ for them to check and give me a quote. If it's too expensive, I will not fix it but I would have had to pay 900NT$. So, we will see!
