Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Planned "Free" Day!

How's that for a title?

God is good as Mom did get off to the Day Care Center. She looked exhausted as she talked quite a bit last night!

Anyhow, I was up early and went for my 8K. I went and checked the recycling and did not take a shower, because I had planned to run 5k on the dreadmill in case of tomorrow... I might not get to run my 8k as I'll be going to pick up Alan!!!!! 

I got Mom up for her shower because I had to do a weird thing with her diaper last night. She was alert, meaning at least she walked to the shower stall. After the shower, I sat her down for her oatmeal. She would eat one bite and get distracted, meaning she started to fidget with her hanky and do that for five minutes. I had to go over and get another spoonful and get her hand on the spoon for her to get another bite. This continued until the van called. She finished half of the bowl.

I was grateful as I had plans for today!

I wanted the day to be a combination of work and fun. I didn't know what I'd do for fun... but I knew the plans I had for work. I wanted to scrub Mom's bathroom, post things for people to pick up (I had a keyboard, a suitcase and pillow and pillowcases). I also wanted to get the vacuum and the mop robots going around the house. 

At 11:00, I left for WGE. I did another 5k on the dreadmill and took a nice shower. Oh, yes, of course, I did my three machines. 

Before going to this luxury hotel to sit in their lobby to work, I went and bought the 2025 calendar that Alan and I both like to use.  I had a delicious peanut butter bread with me. It was so nice and somewhat quiet. I knew they had great WiFi, which I was able to get connected. And of course, it had AC! I don't like Starbucks as there are too many people. At this hotel, I found a nice 'corner' and just sat there to work.

They do have a nice coffee shop. I went in to check out their prices... but no free refills... I decided to skip that! 

I finished editing my student's work and then worked on my talk and ppt file. At 3pm, I decided to leave the hotel and go off in search of a Japanese snack and get something fun to drink and eat. That was my 'fun' part! I didn't get a fun drink, so I made my own ice coffee with malt when I got home. I did find the shop. That took a while... and I did splurge and bought the seaweed snacks! YIPPY! I was home by 4:30 and got Mom's dinner ready.

The day went by so quickly... 

It was a wonderful day... I think I will plan another one before the end of the year. I was thinking of going to watch a movie for the 'fun' part, but there was nothing in the theaters that I'd want to watch, except Inside Out 2. Most movies are R-rated or horror movies. I don't know what's happening to the movie industry these days. 

Mom came back and the Day Care Center said that she slept most of the time that she was there. She was not hyper or chatting nonsense or hallucinating! Thank you for your prayer support!

Daily Lovely Insight:

New Day John 11:25 – Encouraging Bible Verses

Believe this... and Live it out!

Seek Him First!

 Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. The slow decline of mom....... we are all heading that way, one way o r another

  2. I pray that I will head home before I head that way!

  3. And did you answer my question?
