Thursday, September 12, 2024

Blessed Sabbath!

I was up early and went for my usual 8k... Again, it was hot and I barely made it... I just ran slowly.

I got Mom up and out and settled down on the couch after getting the recycling done! Yes, I'm still actively helping our janitor... They have not found a replacement! People don't want to work at blue collar jobs... this job pays NT$36,000/month and that's not enough! 

I settled down on the sofa and read the Decision magazines gifted to me from Mom Bea. (Thank you very much!)

I made my own lunch and my own iced coffee... and looked through my teaching materials as I have another new student, a 7th grader, starting tomorrow! It's the grandson of the ex-president of Ming Chuan University. Yes, I already am teaching his granddaughter and one grandson... now, I'm teaching another grandson!

I also worked on my talk and finished the ppt. 

I tidied up the living room, giving away things, which will be picked up tonight! YIPPY!

Isaiah called and wasn't feeling well. So he came home at about 1:45, which wasn't what I expected! Oh well... 

Tonight at 7:30, I had tutoring!

Daily Lovely Insight:

October 11th, 2018 - Family Life Radio

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. Did you look through your old photo album? So long ago

  2. Of course... that's my year in Germany!

  3. you REALLY SHOULD get the complex to PAY YOU FOR DOING ALL that work !!!!
