Monday, September 16, 2024

A Different Kind of Monday!

I was up early... and ran my 8k. But I knew today might not be the usual Monday! And I was right!

I asked Alan if he heard Mom as he and Isaiah got up at 1am to watch the Charger Game. And yes, he heard Mom talking... I had gone to bed at 12midnight and Mom was talking. I tried to have a conversation with her, but everything was gibberish. So, I guess she kept going for a long time...

At 5am, before going in for my quiet time, I went and checked on Mom. Her eyes were still opened... and it wasn't until around 7:33 that she finally closed her eyes. And by 8:15, I heard her snoring. I called and messaged the Day Care Center and Mom stayed home. 

It was good that Alan did not have class until1pm, so he was able to stay home as I had a long list of errands to run:

bank to help a friend wire money

copier to get things Xerox for tutoring

household registry office to get two copies of the registry in English for our passport renewal (will be ready in 6 working days or earlier!)

hearing aid store to get Annie's hearing aid repaired (600NT$ to check, even though we know what the problem is. I will be informed of the actual cost to get it fixed within three days and will also be charged an additional 300NT$)

stationary store to get a pen refill for Alan (NT$50!)

I was home by 11:35 and Alan took off!

I got Mom up and showered and she had her lunch!

She was not talking anymore and had better mobility. So, I'm sure she should be able to go back on Wednesday as tomorrow is the Mid Autumn Festival 'holiday'.

I cancelled my 2pm tutoring and rescheduled it for Monday, September 30th.

The evening was nice and relaxing... I was able to get Mom to bed early!

Daily Lovely Insight:

A friend sent me an article about delirium. I am fairly sure that's what Mom is going through. I am not anxious... Like the message I gave yesterday... I will aim for, focus on, seek first, His Kingdom and His righteousness. God is with me. I need not fear or be anxious about tomorrow.

Luke 12:29 WEB Scriptures Images

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sharing Sunday!

I was up, but not before dawn!

I cleaned the house and did another small load of Mom's clothes and sent the iRobots to do their work!

I then went to WGE and did my four machines.  I came home and Isaiah was already home. He couldn't stand the heat!

When Alan came home, I went out to buy a battery and some Coco drinks for him.

Mom was up and eating her oatmeal and she was behaving strange again. She kept her eyes closed and her mouth opened!

We went to church early to set up and I shared this afternoon!

Matthew 6! Kingdom Matters!

And Mom continued in her strange state. I had to message my student as I think I might have to cancel if Mom can't walk... It's like a repeat of last weekend. She talked non-stop and Alan had to take her outside. She kept wanting to get up even though she says she can't walk. She wanted to go to the swimming pool over there... and there is no swimming pool. I had to feed her dinner as she kept wanting to touch the food and not use her spoon. At least Tuesday is a holiday... and last week, by Wednesday, she was back to 'normal'. We shall see... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

What are you anxious about?

Why is it difficult for you to heed God's word: DO NOT BE ANXIOUS?

Keeping First Things First (Matthew 6:33) - Your Daily Bible Verse - May 1  - Your Daily Bible Verse

Do Not Be Anxious must be coupled with the divine purpose God has given us!

Remember the BUT...

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Saturday, September 14, 2024

It Rained! It's Cooler!

 I was up early and it just felt and looked cooler... and it was.

Even though I didn't go out to run my 8k until 7am, it was still nice! And I hit 53k this week... and that's even with running on a dreadmill!

I then went to WGE for a quick shower and workout and to the library to get books for my tutoring.

I was home. Alan and Isaiah were home.

I went to Costco to buy the birthday cake since they were home!

Mom enjoyed her oatmeal! Thank you Annie for the maple brown sugar oatmeal packets. I add one to her regular oatmeal bowl.

I did a load of laundry and Alan and Isaiah went for a massage. 

A helper came at 5pm and I took off to meet up with them for dinner! It was nice to go out together.

We came home and watched the movie that Isaiah found for us!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Daniel 6:26 eCard - Free Facebook Greeting Cards Online

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Friday, September 13, 2024

A Date!

I was up early and went for my 8k! The skies had a few clouds... which helped a lot!

After Mom went off, I went and checked the recycling and then went to WGE.

Alan and I met up at 10:30 and we went to Coco, the drink place! Alan bought three!

Then we went looking for a place to eat... We finally found a great Cantonese place... and the fried noodles were superb!

At around 12:30, we took off as the place was getting very crowded! We went to the DMV in Shihlin as we had to update the information for Alan. The government changed his PARC number. The government offices here are so efficient! We were finished by 1:30. I lined Isaiah and asked him to make an appointment for Alan to get his hair cut at the 100NT$ place. He made it for 2:30. We then headed over to Carrefour to update that information so that it's no longer with Alan's cell phone number. I put my cell phone number down so I can order things online! We got to the haircutting place by 2pm and the lady was free! Alan had a great cut... It took about 10 minutes! Then we scooter over to pick up the dehumidifier that I had dropped off to get fixed! It cost only 25US$! YIPPY! On the way back, we again stopped at Coco. Alan bought three more drinks!

We were home by 3pm and went over the calendar! Lots of different events happening in September and October. 

I had tutoring at 5pm so I was out the door by 4:15, after setting everything up for the helper who came at 5:15.

I was home by 8pm and got Mom to bed!

Then it was time to blog, check my email, and prep for my tutoring sessions for this upcoming week! Not to mention, I'm the speaker on Sunday!

What A Date!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 48:35 KJV Bible Verse Images

Jehovah-Shammah - The Lord Is Present Vinyl Wall Statement - Ezekiel 48:35

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Blessed Sabbath!

I was up early and went for my usual 8k... Again, it was hot and I barely made it... I just ran slowly.

I got Mom up and out and settled down on the couch after getting the recycling done! Yes, I'm still actively helping our janitor... They have not found a replacement! People don't want to work at blue collar jobs... this job pays NT$36,000/month and that's not enough! 

I settled down on the sofa and read the Decision magazines gifted to me from Mom Bea. (Thank you very much!)

I made my own lunch and my own iced coffee... and looked through my teaching materials as I have another new student, a 7th grader, starting tomorrow! It's the grandson of the ex-president of Ming Chuan University. Yes, I already am teaching his granddaughter and one grandson... now, I'm teaching another grandson!

I also worked on my talk and finished the ppt. 

I tidied up the living room, giving away things, which will be picked up tonight! YIPPY!

Isaiah called and wasn't feeling well. So he came home at about 1:45, which wasn't what I expected! Oh well... 

Tonight at 7:30, I had tutoring!

Daily Lovely Insight:

October 11th, 2018 - Family Life Radio

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Eagle Has Landed!

I was up super early... but the Lord had already put it in my mind that I would not get in a run... So, I was not surprised when I checked my phone after my quiet time that Alan landed early and was already out of customs and getting his luggage at 5:12. So, I headed out!

We were home by 7am and started unpacking before I got Mom up!

Annie sent about seven air fresheners... I plugged three in, immediately! The house smells so much better.

I got Mom up and after her shower, she was eating her oatmeal! Gina, my sister-in-law, had given me a bag of date pieces... They are called Lovelies and they are delicious! I ate some and poured some over Mom's oatmeal!

After she left, I was down doing the recycling! We had so much that one truck couldn't take everything!

I was back upstairs and getting things put away. It was finished by 11am!

Alan went out for a run... He invited me to join him and you know my answer: NO WAY! I went to WGE and ran 5k on the dreadmill. I took a shower and headed home. I will make my 50k this week.

We decided just to have lunch at home and then drove over to Isaiah's work place to drop off a helmet for him. A friend will be going to watch his basketball game tonight and he forgot to bring an extra helmet. Sam, the friend, is here to play with one of the professional basketball league. We are great friends with his parents.

Alan and I thought about going to run errands or go to Costco to buy milk, but we were both so exhausted. He has a dinner with a group from Miyasaki tonight and then the HOP Elders' Meeting. It was so good to have the AC on and to nap!!!!!!!!! We talked about Alan's plan for Chinese New Year, but didn't book anything yet. Annie was very nice to say that it's time for me to take a trip, but not during Chinese New Year.

Alan left at 5pm and Mom was home. I had dinner ready for her. I blogged while she ate!

I had changed my tutoring to Monday so that I can have my prayer time with this sister. We've had a break for the month of August and she really wanted to start back. 

After prayer time, I tidied up and headed to bed! Alan went to the study to have his meeting!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 47:12 KJV

I read this... How HOPE-FILLED... 

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Planned "Free" Day!

How's that for a title?

God is good as Mom did get off to the Day Care Center. She looked exhausted as she talked quite a bit last night!

Anyhow, I was up early and went for my 8K. I went and checked the recycling and did not take a shower, because I had planned to run 5k on the dreadmill in case of tomorrow... I might not get to run my 8k as I'll be going to pick up Alan!!!!! 

I got Mom up for her shower because I had to do a weird thing with her diaper last night. She was alert, meaning at least she walked to the shower stall. After the shower, I sat her down for her oatmeal. She would eat one bite and get distracted, meaning she started to fidget with her hanky and do that for five minutes. I had to go over and get another spoonful and get her hand on the spoon for her to get another bite. This continued until the van called. She finished half of the bowl.

I was grateful as I had plans for today!

I wanted the day to be a combination of work and fun. I didn't know what I'd do for fun... but I knew the plans I had for work. I wanted to scrub Mom's bathroom, post things for people to pick up (I had a keyboard, a suitcase and pillow and pillowcases). I also wanted to get the vacuum and the mop robots going around the house. 

At 11:00, I left for WGE. I did another 5k on the dreadmill and took a nice shower. Oh, yes, of course, I did my three machines. 

Before going to this luxury hotel to sit in their lobby to work, I went and bought the 2025 calendar that Alan and I both like to use.  I had a delicious peanut butter bread with me. It was so nice and somewhat quiet. I knew they had great WiFi, which I was able to get connected. And of course, it had AC! I don't like Starbucks as there are too many people. At this hotel, I found a nice 'corner' and just sat there to work.

They do have a nice coffee shop. I went in to check out their prices... but no free refills... I decided to skip that! 

I finished editing my student's work and then worked on my talk and ppt file. At 3pm, I decided to leave the hotel and go off in search of a Japanese snack and get something fun to drink and eat. That was my 'fun' part! I didn't get a fun drink, so I made my own ice coffee with malt when I got home. I did find the shop. That took a while... and I did splurge and bought the seaweed snacks! YIPPY! I was home by 4:30 and got Mom's dinner ready.

The day went by so quickly... 

It was a wonderful day... I think I will plan another one before the end of the year. I was thinking of going to watch a movie for the 'fun' part, but there was nothing in the theaters that I'd want to watch, except Inside Out 2. Most movies are R-rated or horror movies. I don't know what's happening to the movie industry these days. 

Mom came back and the Day Care Center said that she slept most of the time that she was there. She was not hyper or chatting nonsense or hallucinating! Thank you for your prayer support!

Daily Lovely Insight:

New Day John 11:25 – Encouraging Bible Verses

Believe this... and Live it out!

Seek Him First!

 Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Monday, September 9, 2024

Yes... HOT...

I was up early and went out for my 8K. On the way back, I saw the Neihu Triathlon guys. They waved me over to get some pictures done... ha, ha, ha... I'm not kidding. I saw these guys running and they are fast. And we always wave at each other. One of the guys looks like my father! Here's a picture. What do you think, Annie?

I was home and took a quick shower and got Mom off to the van.

I helped the janitor and called Ms. Hsieh. She was available, so I went for a 90 minute massage. Mom was weird this weekend. She would see a shadow on the ground and thought it was a chair. Or all of a sudden she'd lean backwards or let go of the walker. Or when I was putting her into the shower, she wouldn't turn to sit in the chair. So, to maneuver her took a lot of work! Those 90 minutes really helped.

I then went to church and the guy came to pick up the stroller and baby walker and books. Next, it was off to clean the old house. It was hot and I was pouring in sweat by the time I finished. I went to WGE and took a nice shower and did my three machines. I came home and my friend came over for a share and prayer time! It's our once a month time to catch up!

Mom was home and she was 'weird'. The driver said that she talked non-stop about some financial transaction. The day care center messaged me and said the same thing. And again, she was walking funny and I had to push her in the walker. She also took one bite of dinner and said, "I've had enough! The rest is for him." She pointed at an empty chair. And she really did not eat anything more for dinner! Absolutely weird! I could not get her to walk, so I had to carry her with me behind her getting her brush her teeth and to bed! I will keep you posted tomorrow.

I had tutoring tonight from 7:30 to 9:30! And then I worked on my talk!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I have no idea about tomorrow... but my God is in control. And I can rest in that! I think this quote from C.S. Lewis is just perfect!


Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Super Productive Day!

I was up early and after my quiet time, I started cleaning. I thought: I've been scrubbing other people's home and have not given my own house a good cleaning... so I started! It was a great three hours!

Then I had to get ready to go as I spoke at Glory English Ministry this morning. Isaiah was home with Mom! My message was from II Kings 5:1-18, The Daily Choice!

People wanted to talk to me after the service... so I didn't leave until 1pm, meaning I didn't get home until 1:45. So, it was a mad dash to get everything ready for our afternoon service. I had packed all the snacks and I had food for Mom to eat. I made oatmeal with apple slices, so that SHE HAS TO CHEW SLOWLY!!!!!!!!!! She was very active for church this afternoon!

The service went well... it was a smaller crowd.  I had to translate. God sustained me as I was feeling tired!

I got home and got Mom to bed and it was time to blog and look over the plans for this week.

Oh... I must say: one sister at the morning service gave me a loaf of pound cake. I brought that to church for snack. Another sister had given me a bunch of individually packed snacks. I brought all that to church! Another sister brought moon cakes. And another sister brought things like bed pads and muscle patches. Her father passed away and these were leftover. I felt so blessed as we had an abundance of snacks and I didn't need to go buy bed pads! God provided! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

2 Kings 5:17 KJV Bible Verse Images

Naaman was not only healed... He was cleansed! He turned from a warrior to a worshipper!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Getting Things Done... and Enjoying A Meal with Friends

I was up early and went out and ran my 8k. I didn't start my run until after Isaiah took off for his men's group. So, the run didn't start until 7am... needless to say, it was HOT!

I decided to go straight to WGE, after 'supervising' our janitor with the recycling!

I was back and trying to arrange for the pick up of a stroller and walker for a friend. I also dropped off the donation and the money as boxes for the Philippines will be packed on Monday!

I was home and Mom Care!

While she ate, I took down the clean clothes and put another load in the washing machine! I also worked on my talk for next Sunday. I received the sermon notes from our pastor and he and I are speaking on almost the exact same topic. He is using Luke 12 and I'm using Matthew 6. It is so weird as we did not talk to each other. So... we shall see... 

This afternoon, I met up with friends at the Mayfull Hotel and had a bowl of delicious beef noodles. I could not finish everything and brought the leftovers home. Isaiah was home and then when I got home, he left to meet up with Fenny for an early dinner! I guess the restaurant is pretty popular as they could only get an early dinner reservation.

I had a nice free evening... which gave me the time to finish up things around the house! Even though it rained, it was still super hot and muggy. I did not go over to the old house to clean! I thought about it... and then... 'maybe Monday'.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Luke 12:34 |

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Friday, September 6, 2024

A Well-Planned Friday!

I was up early and it was still blaring hot... But I ran 9k and hope to finish 50 by tomorrow! I'm praising God!

Then I tried to get Alan to help me to log into the Carrefour online shopping as I wanted a few items which were heavy, such as bleach and dishwashing liquid. We finally got that done after his return from the Padres game!

I was going to go to the old house to clean, but it was stinking hot out... and I just couldn't stomach the thought of scrubbing in the heat. So, instead, I opted to work on my talk for 9/15. 

Of course, I had gotten Mom up and out and checked on the recycling area before sitting down to work. It was splendid! That message is not finished but I've got the ppt started and point 1 finished! I also looked for a church in Fukuoka which I sent to the students.

At about 1:30pm (after finishing the order for Carrefour and eating my lunch), I headed out. I went to WGE and did a quick workout. I wanted to take a shower, but I didn't have time! I scootered over to meet up with a gal to drop off the pan, lid, chair and spatula for her. She had come to our complex but the guard was not helpful and she left without the bag of stuff.

I then went to this area where I was to meet up with a gal to look at an apartment her mom wanted to sell. It was small and I think it needs some remodeling. I will pray for three days and message her. I like the location.

On the way out, I noticed her boyfriend had a tattoo. It looked like the Greek Letters that are encase in a fish logo. And I asked him. He said he is a believer. I asked her. Her answer was more interesting. So, I stood there and shared with them. I also prayed with them and invited them to our church. They worship 'creation' and also God. They need the Holy Spirit to bring them to surrender their lives to God.

I scootered around the area and then went back to WGE for my shower and then went to shop for a few things. I also picked up the handouts before heading home.

It was perfect! 6pm! I wanted to drop off the donation and the money, but I think I'll do that tomorrow!

I cut up the fruit that I had bought and then got Mom to bed before getting back to my message prep.

I really am praying that the Lord will lead me to share with someone each day. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 - Listening Faithfully

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sabbath, A Definite Gift!

I was up early and the weather forecast said it would be 29 degrees and it was... My legs were not cooperating... but I ran into my neighbor and he was willing to run with me! I completed my 8k!

After a quick shower, I got Mom up, showered, fed and out in the van. I had done a load of laundry and hung that up after helping the janitor. By 9:10, I was settled and with the AC on, just reading and sipping coffee!

I had lunch at 1pm and called Ms. Hsieh. She was available. So, at 2:30, I went for a massage! I had finished the Soochow Study Material and dropped it off to be xeroxed. I went to WGE and had a quick 15 minute workout and was home just in time for the van.

Tonight at 6pm, I had a conversation with Abby. At 7:30, I had tutoring on line. 

Isaiah was home as he didn't want to play 3-on-3.

I had Mom in bed and worked on my talk for 9/15.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Thus, "choosing not to choose," my heart is still.

That's the last line of a poem... I thought it was quite powerful!

The Lord is My Shepherd Psalm 23:1 Bible Verse SVG With Commercial License,  Christian Art Gift, Cut File, Vector Graphics - Etsy Denmark

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Usual Wednesday!

I was up early and went and ran 9k! It was not easy. The heat started early.

I was home and so happy to be taking a shower!

Then it was Mom Care! As soon as she left, I was down in B1 for the... RECYCLING PICK UP! 

When that was done, I was upstairs working on my talks and preparing the handout for the Soochow Study that will start on October 9th!

I had to go to the hospital to get the prescription for Mom's medication. While there and waiting, I went and looked at the second hand store and bought a Missoni dress for 30NT$! I also bought a shirt for Mom. After a quick stop at WGE, I was home for lunch at 12:30!

I had packed up stuff for people to pick up and one of the lady is the pastor's wife. She was very sweet! I hope to give her more stuff in the future. She ministers to the Filipinos in the Taipei area.

I was back on my computer working on things before going to tutor at 4:00pm.

The helper came to get Mom from the van but I had everything ready.

I was home by 6:10!

Tonight, tutoring at 7:30 and then I went to meet up with the students at Soochow.

Isaiah had dinner with Fenny after work!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Your Daily Verse - Philippians 3:10-11 - Inspirations

Read this sentence today:

Resurrection stillness brings resurrection power!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

I Had A Nap!

I was up early and went out for 9k! I will run 9K tomorrow to make up for my short 6K!

I was back home and making the food for our Bible study this morning.

When that was ready, I got Mom up and out and looked over the recycling and posted things to give away!

We had five gals for our last study as we will start a new one on September 24th. It was a very wonderful time! 

When they left and I finished cleaning up everything, I took a nap! Wow... it felt so luxurious... I thought I had an appointment at 3pm, but it was not for today! That was a total God-thing! I did a praise dance to celebrate!

I went to WGE and also to the photo studio to get pictures made for the Japanese students.

I was home and getting Mom's meal together and the phone rang!


Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 17:24 All the trees of the field will know that I am the LORD; I  bring down the high tree, exalt the low tree, dry up the green tree and make

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Monday, September 2, 2024

God Alone Is Able!

I was up early... and ran only 6k! 

First Miracle: Isaiah had a physical, so he didn't have to leave for work at his usual time. He just needed to be at the clinic by 10am. So, he walked Mom down.

I came back from my short run and loaded Part 2 of the goods in the car. I had already put Part 1 in the car yesterday! I got Mom up and showered! She sat and ate breakfast, while I packed up Part 3 of the goods!

I had to drive to school as I had too much stuff to bring.

Second Miracle: Absolutely no traffic. It was like the parting of the Red Sea. I was at school by 8:45 and I asked the TA to meet me out in front. We got everything upstairs and had time to set up before class! That should be the Third Miracle!

I had made spaghetti with homemade sauce and apple fruit salad. I brought chips and bread and Coca Cola. And I had a friend send me John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 in Japanese and I bought the 4 Spiritual Laws. I also brought books for them. They each took one children's book back to Japan!

Fourth Miracle: I shared my testimony and I am not sure if the Lord spoke to their heart, but when I left to head back home, they all followed me! They wanted to send me off. A couple of them messaged me with some very positive words! Please pray for them.

Fifth Miracle: Isaiah was home to help me unload everything and I made it to my afternoon tutoring on time!

Sixth Miracle: My glasses were already at the shop, so I was able to pick them up after finishing tutoring! I didn't have to make a separate trip at 7:30pm! I also stopped to buy bed pads for Mom!

Seventh Miracle: I had a free night! The intensive Monday evening tutoring will now be only once a week on Wednesday! I needed the time to rest, not to mention that I have to prepare for my message on September 8th.

Tonight I had prayer time with two sisters at 8:30 and I cooked the lunch for tomorrow's Bible study!

Wow... I was so ready for bed!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 20:19-20 (NABRE) I am the Lord,... - The Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Typical Sunday!

I was up early and did not go for a run... 

The weather is getting hotter and hotter... 

Anyhow, I went out and paid the credit card bill, got money for our tithes, went to WGE for a workout and bought the noodles for tomorrow's meal and then came home.

I rested a bit before getting Mom up! The AC was on.

Isaiah was not going to make it home. He went straight to church. So, I had to start the process as early as possible to get Mom and all the goodies into the car!

We were there by 2:20! And Isaiah was there.

The chairs were already set up. I made the coffee and put out the snacks and Mom enjoyed her snacks.

Isaiah led worship and translated.

After dinner, we were home by 8pm!

Isaiah took Fenny home. He doesn't have to work tomorrow. What a praise. He can walk Mom down so that I can head off to school early!

It's going to be a big week... Please pray!

After Mom went to bed, I got everything together and headed off to bed!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 18:23 Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares  the Lord GOD. Wouldn't I prefer that he turn from his ways and live?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ