Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Different Saturday!

I was up early... as Alan needed to take off early to Taichung and I have my time with Jesus!

After he left, I cleaned up the counter areas! FINALLY! 

Then I went out for a run -- 11k. And it was hot. My legs withered!

I was home and grabbed my bag, and took off for WGE. After a shower and just one machine, I was heading over to the YangMing Hospital. I had to get an appointment for a MRI (free for women! better than a mammogram!) and get the prescription refill for Mom. God worked as the door for these two appointments were right across from each other! How perfect is that! The MRI is schedule for July 8th. I couldn't do it earlier! And I got Mom's prescription for another three months! Her next appointment will be on August 24th!

I was home and took all the books down to the car and checked the recycling area! Then it was Mom Care!

Alan arrived in Taichung and won't be heading back until this evening.

Isaiah is enjoying his outing with friends in Ilan! It was pouring yesterday, but he said it was nice last night! The tent had an AC unit!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 72

The Presbyterian Church of Toms River - Psalm 72:6 seemed like a fitting  verse on a rainy day. Got a moment? The rest of Psalm 72 is worth a read.  Give it

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)


  1. so weird you guys get MRI for mammogram?

  2. You get a mammogram for free and then you go and get a MRI also for free! You can also get a colonoscopy for free! No one is in line for that!
