Monday, June 24, 2024

Another Much Needed Catch Up Day!

I was up early and then went for 8k. It was blistering hot!

I got Mom off and started with household chores, after helping our janitor with the recycling for the complex. I will have to talk to the management company as he is too slow. There is no way he can stay on schedule with his SOP.

Abby and Alan came home and I went off to pick up a clock that was being repaired, pay a bill and get Mom's prescription filled!

Abby was going to go play badminton with the YWAM group, but they usually have 40-50 people show up. So, she decided against it. She had time to pick songs for the worship service on June 30th. She will be speaking and leading worship!

I finished two talks for July! July 7th and July 21st. One is for HOP and the other is for GEM. I will ask Isaiah to help me make the ppt!

Alan went to B&Q to get caulking tape to redo our shower. Just replacing that makes the shower looks so nice and new.

The thunderstorm started, and I wanted to go out for a run... but I was too too tired. I took a nap instead!

Mom was home and I had dinner ready!

I did another load of laundry as things smell back there!

Tonight we had dinner at home and then family time. Last night we watched the 12 Mighty Orphans. Tonight we watched The Boys in the Boat! Fabulous!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Romans 8:15 - The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, ...

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)


  1. I have no idea what those shows are

  2. Ask Kurtis to find them for you... You and KR can watch them together. They are fantastic movies!
