Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Sabbath in Extreme Heat!

Yup, it hit 34 today! Even at 5am, it was 28! Yes, there were clouds in the sky and a slight breeze, but I could not run! Hit 8k! That was a miracle!

Mom went off to the Day Care Center and after cleaning things up, I ate breakfast and worked on my Bible study homework! Absolutely delightful!

When that was finished, I sat on the sofa and read! 

I got up from time to time as I put ground beef and other ingredients into the crock pot so that Alan and Isaiah will have some delicious dinner ready for when they get home! It sure smelled good!

Alan played tennis and coached a gal and was out there until 12:30. It was scorching!

In the afternoon, I called the dentist so that Isaiah and Alan can go and get their teeth cleaned. I also cracked a padlock that I found. Yes, I watched an YouTube video and it worked!

I finished another great book and while I sat and read, I sent the iRobot mop to clean the floor!

Isaiah and Alan both went to play basketball at Soochow University this evening! I decided to scooter over to WGE for the AC after Mom went to bed! I think I might have to do part of my run on the "dreadmill" this summer! I looked at the weather and even at 4am, the temperature will still be hot!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 Kings 8:60 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is  God. There is no other!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. who is picking up Abby? Or the bus?

    1. We are all going... I had arranged for a helper to come!

  2. hurray !!! let the party begin !!!

  3. So much happiness!

    1. Oh yes... and we're going to have our annual Family Portraits done!
