Thursday, June 20, 2024

What A Sabbath!

I didn't go for my morning run as the sun was up too early... 

Mom was off and I settled down to read after I went and cleaned up the recycling area!

The morning flew by and when Alan and Abby came back, I went out to buy lunch! We are treating Abby to one bubble milk tea every day plus her favorite Taiwanese breakfast!

We all had lunch together.

In the afternoon, I had booked an oil massage for Abby. She loved it! She also wants another facial next Tuesday!

I had to fit in a run before Mom returned, so I only ran 7k. And it was hot!

I had Mom's dinner ready and Abby, Alan and Isaiah went off to play basketball at Soochow. It's the last time as the summer basketball time is going to change to 4pm!

Alan had gone to pick up the suitcase of goodies that Annie sent! YIPPEE! Lemonade mix, biscuit mix, package sauces, and so much more! I took the time to put everything away and then what I ordered from Carrefour also arrived!

After Mom went to bed, I went down to the recycling area again!

Daily Lovely Insight:

ecclesiastes 10 through 12

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. pickle flavored potato chips hahah

  2. Those are going to be so delicious... We didn't play Mahjong!
