Monday, June 3, 2024

A Different Kind of Catch-Up Day

The weather was so delightful... I went out and ran just 9k. 

I was home and I had put in a load of laundry before going off for my jog! 

It was Mom Care and then hung up the clothes and cleaned Mom's room.

The task for today was to clean out that B1 room for the complex. It was a lot of work! I have only two more boxes to sort through.

I had to rush off to tutor and the Lord provided a scooter parking space! YEAH!

We went long and I had to rush home. Thankfully, Elaine was a bit late so it worked out perfectly!

Mom was home and I had her dinner ready. She was really active... 

Elaine and I prayed quickly as I had to really watch Mom!

Alan came home and enjoyed my crock pot dinner!

We had Family Time tonight!

Daily Lovely Insight:

For today's morning time with Jesus, I read one of my favorite verses:

Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV - Victoria Robertson

Submit... Surrender... Acknowledge... 

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)