Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Day Flew By...

I was up early and got 8k in!

And about the recycling... (Thank you Pam for asking)

This complex has three buildings with a total of 87 households. We have two dumpsters for trash which are picked up every day. Those dumpsters are in the garden area. Down in B1, we have eight large labeled bins for recycling. Recycling is not pick up except ONCE A WEEK on Wednesday! We have bins for paper goods, glass, tin, aluminum, electronics, lightbulbs, batteries, plastic bags and containers. The problems are: 

Our janitor is slow and I have observed him for three months. He is scheduled to do recycling twice a day but he is off two days a week.

Those who live here do not observe the label bins. So often times, they just put their items everywhere, but in the bins. Boxes are also not crushed down.

The weather here is hot and humid, so there are bugs if these bins are not cleaned every day.

I had spent a month cleaning out a space in the B1 storage room. So, we now bag or box everything and move the items into this room. That takes time!

As I mentioned earlier, the recycling is only picked up once a week. A daily recycling pick up service costs a lot of money as we have to hire a company to do that. Our current service is free.

That's why I've been doing the 'job' because we are the head of the board. At our next board meeting, I'm going to bring this up and hopefully, they will provide a better janitor!

Abby and I went to the salon again this afternoon. She had another facial and I had an oil massage! Luxurious. Afterwards, the thunder storm started and we scootered home, slowly. Yes, I love the rain, so it was fun. I only wished I could have been running!

Tonight, Isaiah went to play basketball and Abby met up with friends.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Verse of the Day - Romans 8:26 | The Wind

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. they can't be paying someone not doing his job !! you should get paid

  2. He tries, but there is no way to improve on his speed...
