Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Another Productive Day!

I was up and did not go out as there were many things to get done!

Abby went to the workout place and then played tennis with Alan.

We were all home for lunch and then went to the dentist. Abby will get a retainer, which should be ready by Thursday and latest by Friday! So, we will go back for the fitting!

Alan also got his teeth cleaned.

Abby and I went and picked up her glasses. Superb! She rode my scooter home and I ran. It was hot and I was thinking... maybe I'll just do 7k. But I again went for 9k. As soon as I got home, it poured. Darn it!

Alan went to the workout place as it's free for him from 2-4pm! Senior citizens 'privileged hours'... 

I ordered things from Carrefour and bought coupons for different restaurants. Abby wanted to go to a hot pot place! And when we do, Alan always like a hot pot place with a buffet bar for drinks! Those are hard to find, but I found one. Not exactly cheap but with a coupon, it's about 12US$ per person!

Mom was home and yes, I had dinner ready.

Abby went out with her university buddy, Juliet, for dinner!

Isaiah was home from work! It was nice just to be home with no prayer group or online Bible study or tutoring!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Proverbs 27:1 - Do Not Boast About Tomorrow

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. cancel everything the next two weeks, eat and have fun hire helpers

  2. I agree with Snnie. Cherish the moments to. Tine will fly

  3. It's not that easy to hire a helper. On Saturday, the one who was scheduled to come fell ill and they were going to send someone new. I said, "No thanks!" But this Saturday and next Saturday, full day, the usual one who comes... YEAH!
