Saturday, June 15, 2024

Abby's Arrival!

We were tracking her flight... She arrived in Qatar and she said the airport is amazing... but the flight from Qatar to Hong Kong was delayed. That got her a bit frustrated!

I was up early and went out for 9k. I finished the week with 52.31k. Not bad in light of how hot it has been! I was thinking of going to WGE to run on the dreadmill but decided the heat is better than that!

I was home and went into the B1 storage room and got rid of two boxes of old paperwork from past community meetings! The recycling people will pick up on Wednesday!

Then it was a shower and Mom Care. I put in a load of laundry. While Mom ate, I went out to drop things off. Alan was home.

Isaiah had his men's Bible study group and then a talk hosted by Fubon Bank. He didn't get back until after 1pm.

Lunch was leftover and I had gotten stuff for a salad. It's so hot that I just want to eat salads and fruit.

We left at 5:30 for the airport. And it was a miracle that Abby caught the flight from Hong Kong to Taipei as the flight from Qatar was late. God did it!

She arrived at 6:30 but her luggage didn't. So, they will drop off the luggage at our house tomorrow. We went to the mall and shopped and ate. Yes, we spent like 15,000NT$ for five pairs of shoes and three pieces of clothing items. Two pairs for Alan, two pairs for Abby and one pair for Isaiah. And the clothes were for Isaiah! We didn't get home until 11pm! What fun!

At the airport! First time in a long time!

Tomorrow is going to be a long day as Alan and Isaiah have a tennis tournament and Abby will go for a run! I will walk and pick trash. Of course, Mom care and then church!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6  NIV #votd . . . #BixbyOklahoma #BixbyOK #Tuls… | Psalm 150, Let it be,  Praise the lords

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ