Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Beautifying Day!

I was up and went out for 8k. Yes, I didn't hit 9k.

Abby was also up early and went to Danhsui to join the 8am prayer meeting at the YWAM Base. 

Alan was off to play tennis and he was out there until 11:30! He is really on vacation mode!

Isaiah, of course, went off to work. He is wanting to change job... They are pulling a fast one on him, meaning by July, he will earn less and be asked to be like a sales agent. That's not what he wants to do!

I again helped with the Recycling of our complex and then worked on cleaning the house and then went and got Chinese stuff for Abby's lunch!

We all had lunch at home before Abby and I headed off to the beauty salon. My appointment was at 3pm. Abby's was at 2pm. But they were able to take me at 2pm. So, I only got my hair washed and cut. She was getting her hair washed, dyed, conditioned and then she will also get a facial! We took two scooters. I had to be home for Mom Care.

Alan and Isaiah met up for dinner and then they had an Every Man A Warrior Event!

I had my Bible study at 8:30. Abby worked on her House of Praise talk for June 30th.

Tomorrow is my Sabbath! YEAH!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ecclesiastes 6:10 | Scripture pictures, Ecclesiastes, Scripture

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ