Sunday, June 9, 2024

Packed Sunday!

I was up early and of course, Sunday, no Run Day!

But I used the morning hours after time with Jesus to get Abby's room ready. Making that bed was the most difficult thing! I also set all her Minions on her bed and cleared off things! Wow... Her room looks great!

Then it was Mom Care. Since Alan and Isaiah were home, I went for a quick walk to pay Mom's Day Care bill! It was raining and felt so nice to walk!

We went to church and helped with set up!

Isaiah led worship and I translated. We had several visitors! And for Love Feast, we had tzong-tzi. YUMMY! I ate too many as they grew in my stomach! But I just have a hard time resisting! It's the Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow... and I love tzong-tzi. I bought 10 more, as there were leftovers and put them in the freezer! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

John 21:17 | Prayer scriptures, Bible prayers, Bible verses quotes

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. oh wish I had them here too .... even I would eat too much

  2. People say that they are difficult to digest, eating too many would give you a stomachache. But I never have had that problem! In fact, I love eating them and then in the morning, go for a run!
