Saturday, June 29, 2024

Spectacular Day!

I was up early and went out for 9k. Yes, I hit 50k this week! What an accomplishment in this heat!

Alan, Isaiah and Abby were out with friends playing tennis! They all came back here to take their shower.

The helper came at 11am and we took off for hot pot luncheon. It was like a buffet... fabulous. We ate so much!

Then we headed out to Keelung Harbor and went for a two hour massage! Fabulous!

The Night Market was packed. I was too full, but the rest of them bought things as we walked around! The weather was nice... and then we saw this contact lens shop and bought more for Abby.

On the way back, we went to Costco to buy milk and ice cream. That means I'm set for at least two weeks. No need to go to Costco! YEAH! Once Alan and Abby leave, I will be back to my full schedule of tutoring, Bible studies and speaking! Plus, I have several teaching jobs lined up! I will also have the helper come on Wednesdays as I can't make it back from my tutoring!

It was just a fun family day... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At  first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the  drains. - ppt download

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

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