Tuesday, June 11, 2024

It Is Blaring Hot Already!

It hit 93 today... with a feel of 100!

I was up, but not early enough. So, I just ran 8k.

No time for WGE. 

I baked and Mom Care!

I had Bible study this morning and two ladies brought a savory dish and a dessert plus fruit. We had such a feast, both in the word of God and with nutritious food!

After I cleaned up, I took a nap! I thought about using the day to catch up on housework, but decided that rest was more important!

I had tutoring at 3:30 and that went well.

Mom was back promptly at 5:15 and dinner was ready! In fact, I have enough food for her for the whole week!

Tonight was Family Time! It will be the last time before Abby boards the plane! We had lots to talk about as she needed to make an appointment for getting her passport renewed!

Alan had a very long day... his final day of oral tests with his students! One more student tomorrow as she didn't make it last week and then he will start on his grades!

Isaiah was at work all day... nice with AC!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Please pray for Fenny, Isaiah's friend. I shared with her about Jesus and have encouraged her to say yes to Jesus and to think on John 3:16 every morning. Please pray that she will open her heart and her life to Jesus. She is going to travel to Tibet for 10 days, starting on Friday. Please intercede for her that the blood of Jesus would cover her!

God is good. God's faithful love lasts forever. 2 Chronicles 5:13 | Biblical  quotes inspirational, Love me quotes, God loves me

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ