Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Usual Wednesday!

I was up early and went out for a 9k run. I was planning on only 7k but I pushed through! YEAH! Yes, it was blaring hot!

After Mom went off to the Day Care Center, I was down to help with the recycling. Everything was taken! It looked so nice and clean!

It was already 9:30. I was home to prep for my messages! YEAH!

For lunch, I ate the leftovers from yesterday's Bible study! Absolutely delicious! And I sat back down to work some more!

Before going off to tutor, I put lots of stuff down on the first floor as there were people coming by to pick things up!

I had tutoring from 4:30 to 5:30 and then stopped at WGE. Alan was home for Mom Care!

This evening... it was the dreaded Complex Meeting! We got some really bad news: two of the top individuals are going to resign by the end of June. We are going to have two new people on the complex management team assigned from the management company! Just when we were getting on track with this new company... Please pray!

Alan is officially finished with this school year. He now needs to finish his grades. He hopes to get that done by tomorrow.

Isaiah was at work and went to visit with Fenny! She is leaving for a 10-day trip to Tibet on Friday!

Abby is getting ready to return to Taiwan and we want to make sure she makes an appointment with the Passport Office so that we won't have to wait in line on Monday! I will keep you updated on that!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Numbers 22:33 KJV - And the ass saw me, and turned from me these

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)


  1. so exciting for her to be back after these long two years !!!

  2. Almost exactly to the day that she left in 2022!

  3. Happy thinking of you all home together
