Friday, June 21, 2024

Thunder Showers!

It was blistering hot this morning. I ran only 7k and at a very slow pace. Then this afternoon, we had the most beautiful thunder showers, but I wasn't out running! I was out running errands!

So, the day started early and I got a few chores done before going out to lunch with Alan. Abby met up with her youth group counselor who treated her to lunch! We first went to pick up the things from a gal named Alice. She was going to head out to the States but didn't get an appointment early enough to get her visa! So, that trip was canceled. Alan will have to bring everything that I have gathered for Annie!

We went to Alan's favorite restaurant for lunch -- a small noodles shop, and of course, we got drinks beforehand.

On the way back, we dropped by the watch place and got a replacement for a clock and a watch!

Then it was at the dentist to meet up with Abby and to pay for her retainer. Alan had gone home to drop everything off as we wanted to drive over to RTMart. So, he picked up up at 2:30. Abby will have to wear the retainer 24/7 and then she will go back to see the dentist next week!

We bought things for the Marriage Builders' Bible study tomorrow night and looked at the prices of contact lenses. We were home by 4pm. And the thunder shower had stopped... 

Mom was home and I had dinner ready!

Abby met up with her Soochow friends tonight and Isaiah had dinner and KTV with his co-workers.

Alan and I attended a small graduation party at 9pm for a gal who will be returning to the Philippines!

Tomorrow is our Family Portraits! YIPPY! We will all be together!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 86:5 – Lord is Good – Encouraging Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ