Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Still Catching Up...

I am so thankful that the weather has been cool. 

I went out for my 9k and got home and did another load of laundry!

After Mom went off, I did more cleaning and then went down to finish up the B1 room! YEAH! 

I called and Ms. Hsieh had time today, so I got the dinner in the rice cooker and went off! Fist to WGE and then to buy vegetables. I didn't have time to stop at 7/11 to pay another bill. 

Those 90 minutes again flew by! 

I was home to tutor! The time flew by! It was a very productive session!

Almost as soon as we logged off, the phone rang! Mom was home... 

This evening I had prayer time with the two sisters as we had to change it!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Focus Upward - A Proverbial Journey - Day 5

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. always hard to think of anything else whilst in suffering....

  2. I hope that through your present suffering, you will know that God is holding on to you!
