Saturday, June 22, 2024

Family Portrait and Much Much More...

What a day... 

I ran 9k to finish the week with 49.08. I'm happy considering how hot it has been... I am astounded that I even hit over 40k this week!

Then it was looking at recycling before Mom Care!

The Helper came at 11 and we took off... We had more stuff to drop off at church for this evening's event. Then we went to get our Annual Family Portraits done!

This is not the professional one. We just did one using the cell phone!

After the pictures were done (we get to see them next Friday at 7:30), we went and got shaved ice as it was extremely hot!

These were a bit pricey, but totally worth the splurge!

We were thinking of going to get a massage when the down pour came. So, we had to go home to get the car as we were picking up the chicken for the evening event. Abby went off to meet up with some church friends. Isaiah decided to just stay home. Alan and I went to church to set up! 

We had six couples and the couple who presented did a marvelous job and the food was fabulous!

We didn't get home until 9:15 and I had to wash and put away everything!

The kids came home after 10pm! 

It's going to be another busy day tomorrow!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalms 121:2 I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from  mountains? No, my strength comes from GOD, who made heaven, and earth, and  mountains. My help cometh from the
Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ