Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Day Flew By...

I was up early and got 8k in!

And about the recycling... (Thank you Pam for asking)

This complex has three buildings with a total of 87 households. We have two dumpsters for trash which are picked up every day. Those dumpsters are in the garden area. Down in B1, we have eight large labeled bins for recycling. Recycling is not pick up except ONCE A WEEK on Wednesday! We have bins for paper goods, glass, tin, aluminum, electronics, lightbulbs, batteries, plastic bags and containers. The problems are: 

Our janitor is slow and I have observed him for three months. He is scheduled to do recycling twice a day but he is off two days a week.

Those who live here do not observe the label bins. So often times, they just put their items everywhere, but in the bins. Boxes are also not crushed down.

The weather here is hot and humid, so there are bugs if these bins are not cleaned every day.

I had spent a month cleaning out a space in the B1 storage room. So, we now bag or box everything and move the items into this room. That takes time!

As I mentioned earlier, the recycling is only picked up once a week. A daily recycling pick up service costs a lot of money as we have to hire a company to do that. Our current service is free.

That's why I've been doing the 'job' because we are the head of the board. At our next board meeting, I'm going to bring this up and hopefully, they will provide a better janitor!

Abby and I went to the salon again this afternoon. She had another facial and I had an oil massage! Luxurious. Afterwards, the thunder storm started and we scootered home, slowly. Yes, I love the rain, so it was fun. I only wished I could have been running!

Tonight, Isaiah went to play basketball and Abby met up with friends.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Verse of the Day - Romans 8:26 | The Wind

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Monday, June 24, 2024

Another Much Needed Catch Up Day!

I was up early and then went for 8k. It was blistering hot!

I got Mom off and started with household chores, after helping our janitor with the recycling for the complex. I will have to talk to the management company as he is too slow. There is no way he can stay on schedule with his SOP.

Abby and Alan came home and I went off to pick up a clock that was being repaired, pay a bill and get Mom's prescription filled!

Abby was going to go play badminton with the YWAM group, but they usually have 40-50 people show up. So, she decided against it. She had time to pick songs for the worship service on June 30th. She will be speaking and leading worship!

I finished two talks for July! July 7th and July 21st. One is for HOP and the other is for GEM. I will ask Isaiah to help me make the ppt!

Alan went to B&Q to get caulking tape to redo our shower. Just replacing that makes the shower looks so nice and new.

The thunderstorm started, and I wanted to go out for a run... but I was too too tired. I took a nap instead!

Mom was home and I had dinner ready!

I did another load of laundry as things smell back there!

Tonight we had dinner at home and then family time. Last night we watched the 12 Mighty Orphans. Tonight we watched The Boys in the Boat! Fabulous!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Romans 8:15 - The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, ...

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Funday!

I was up early and after time with Jesus, I did a load of laundry and Abby and I went for a walk!

We went to the local market, which was so much fun!

After we got back, it was Mom duty!

Abby left for New Life Church to share with their youth group!

We left for church at 2:00 and were at church by 2:45 as we went to pick up Abby. We helped with setting up and we had a lot of newcomers!

It was so fun! It was a family affair as Alan was the MC, Isaiah was the translator, and Abby and I were the speakers.

We had cold noodles for dinner! It was very yummy!

Daily Lovely Insight:

New Beginnings Outreach Ministries International - John 4:13-19 This is how  we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit.  And we have

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Family Portrait and Much Much More...

What a day... 

I ran 9k to finish the week with 49.08. I'm happy considering how hot it has been... I am astounded that I even hit over 40k this week!

Then it was looking at recycling before Mom Care!

The Helper came at 11 and we took off... We had more stuff to drop off at church for this evening's event. Then we went to get our Annual Family Portraits done!

This is not the professional one. We just did one using the cell phone!

After the pictures were done (we get to see them next Friday at 7:30), we went and got shaved ice as it was extremely hot!

These were a bit pricey, but totally worth the splurge!

We were thinking of going to get a massage when the down pour came. So, we had to go home to get the car as we were picking up the chicken for the evening event. Abby went off to meet up with some church friends. Isaiah decided to just stay home. Alan and I went to church to set up! 

We had six couples and the couple who presented did a marvelous job and the food was fabulous!

We didn't get home until 9:15 and I had to wash and put away everything!

The kids came home after 10pm! 

It's going to be another busy day tomorrow!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalms 121:2 I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from  mountains? No, my strength comes from GOD, who made heaven, and earth, and  mountains. My help cometh from the
Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Friday, June 21, 2024

Thunder Showers!

It was blistering hot this morning. I ran only 7k and at a very slow pace. Then this afternoon, we had the most beautiful thunder showers, but I wasn't out running! I was out running errands!

So, the day started early and I got a few chores done before going out to lunch with Alan. Abby met up with her youth group counselor who treated her to lunch! We first went to pick up the things from a gal named Alice. She was going to head out to the States but didn't get an appointment early enough to get her visa! So, that trip was canceled. Alan will have to bring everything that I have gathered for Annie!

We went to Alan's favorite restaurant for lunch -- a small noodles shop, and of course, we got drinks beforehand.

On the way back, we dropped by the watch place and got a replacement for a clock and a watch!

Then it was at the dentist to meet up with Abby and to pay for her retainer. Alan had gone home to drop everything off as we wanted to drive over to RTMart. So, he picked up up at 2:30. Abby will have to wear the retainer 24/7 and then she will go back to see the dentist next week!

We bought things for the Marriage Builders' Bible study tomorrow night and looked at the prices of contact lenses. We were home by 4pm. And the thunder shower had stopped... 

Mom was home and I had dinner ready!

Abby met up with her Soochow friends tonight and Isaiah had dinner and KTV with his co-workers.

Alan and I attended a small graduation party at 9pm for a gal who will be returning to the Philippines!

Tomorrow is our Family Portraits! YIPPY! We will all be together!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 86:5 – Lord is Good – Encouraging Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, June 20, 2024

What A Sabbath!

I didn't go for my morning run as the sun was up too early... 

Mom was off and I settled down to read after I went and cleaned up the recycling area!

The morning flew by and when Alan and Abby came back, I went out to buy lunch! We are treating Abby to one bubble milk tea every day plus her favorite Taiwanese breakfast!

We all had lunch together.

In the afternoon, I had booked an oil massage for Abby. She loved it! She also wants another facial next Tuesday!

I had to fit in a run before Mom returned, so I only ran 7k. And it was hot!

I had Mom's dinner ready and Abby, Alan and Isaiah went off to play basketball at Soochow. It's the last time as the summer basketball time is going to change to 4pm!

Alan had gone to pick up the suitcase of goodies that Annie sent! YIPPEE! Lemonade mix, biscuit mix, package sauces, and so much more! I took the time to put everything away and then what I ordered from Carrefour also arrived!

After Mom went to bed, I went down to the recycling area again!

Daily Lovely Insight:

ecclesiastes 10 through 12

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Beautifying Day!

I was up and went out for 8k. Yes, I didn't hit 9k.

Abby was also up early and went to Danhsui to join the 8am prayer meeting at the YWAM Base. 

Alan was off to play tennis and he was out there until 11:30! He is really on vacation mode!

Isaiah, of course, went off to work. He is wanting to change job... They are pulling a fast one on him, meaning by July, he will earn less and be asked to be like a sales agent. That's not what he wants to do!

I again helped with the Recycling of our complex and then worked on cleaning the house and then went and got Chinese stuff for Abby's lunch!

We all had lunch at home before Abby and I headed off to the beauty salon. My appointment was at 3pm. Abby's was at 2pm. But they were able to take me at 2pm. So, I only got my hair washed and cut. She was getting her hair washed, dyed, conditioned and then she will also get a facial! We took two scooters. I had to be home for Mom Care.

Alan and Isaiah met up for dinner and then they had an Every Man A Warrior Event!

I had my Bible study at 8:30. Abby worked on her House of Praise talk for June 30th.

Tomorrow is my Sabbath! YEAH!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ecclesiastes 6:10 | Scripture pictures, Ecclesiastes, Scripture

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Another Productive Day!

I was up and did not go out as there were many things to get done!

Abby went to the workout place and then played tennis with Alan.

We were all home for lunch and then went to the dentist. Abby will get a retainer, which should be ready by Thursday and latest by Friday! So, we will go back for the fitting!

Alan also got his teeth cleaned.

Abby and I went and picked up her glasses. Superb! She rode my scooter home and I ran. It was hot and I was thinking... maybe I'll just do 7k. But I again went for 9k. As soon as I got home, it poured. Darn it!

Alan went to the workout place as it's free for him from 2-4pm! Senior citizens 'privileged hours'... 

I ordered things from Carrefour and bought coupons for different restaurants. Abby wanted to go to a hot pot place! And when we do, Alan always like a hot pot place with a buffet bar for drinks! Those are hard to find, but I found one. Not exactly cheap but with a coupon, it's about 12US$ per person!

Mom was home and yes, I had dinner ready.

Abby went out with her university buddy, Juliet, for dinner!

Isaiah was home from work! It was nice just to be home with no prayer group or online Bible study or tutoring!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Proverbs 27:1 - Do Not Boast About Tomorrow

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Monday, June 17, 2024

Busy Monday!

I was up early... I don't think I need to write that... and I went out, thinking I'd only run 7k. But I actually went for 9k!

Then it was Mom Care!

After she left, I cleaned Mom's room and then I was off. I had a few errands to run before meeting up with Abby. We went to look at another glasses place, but the cost of contacts seems the same, if not more! So, we didn't buy anything and went towards the passport office. But we had planned to shop for two hours before Abby's appointment.

We went and bought underwear and shoes and many other things!

We got to the passport office and got a number. I'm so glad we got an appointment as there were over 500 people trying to get the passport without an appointment! We were finished before 3:30! And we are scheduled to pick up the passport on Monday, July 1st after 2pm! YEAH!

We scootered back and I rested for 20 minutes before Mom was home!

I had her dinner ready and then after she went to bed, we took off for a get together with friends!

We did receive some sad news... Aunt Ethel passed away!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 116:1-2 - Words of Hope and Divine Mercy

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Busy Sunday!

I was up early... and yes, no run! Not even time to go to WGE!

Abby went out for a run.

Alan and Isaiah had a tennis tournament.

I was doing laundry and then went out for fantwan for all of us!

Abby was back and showered and we were out. We went to get her passport photo from a booth and then got her glasses. They will be ready by Monday! So fast! But we won't have time to pick them up on Monday night so we will go on Tuesday afternoon!

We were home and I was busy with Mom Care. Abby and I also spent the morning going over the clothes and shoes she has here. Her luggage still has not arrived! But she has plenty to wear! YEAH!

By 2:20, we were all in the car, heading off to church!

We all helped with set up and then the service was special with new friends and Abby being back! The worship team leader asked her to lead worship for June 30th. She will also be speaking for that Sunday!

We were home by 8pm and I was busy, caring for Mom and putting everything away!

Tomorrow is another packed day!

And it's so hot... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

John 21:24-25 This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who  wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. And… | Disciple, Bible  versions, Jesus

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Abby's Arrival!

We were tracking her flight... She arrived in Qatar and she said the airport is amazing... but the flight from Qatar to Hong Kong was delayed. That got her a bit frustrated!

I was up early and went out for 9k. I finished the week with 52.31k. Not bad in light of how hot it has been! I was thinking of going to WGE to run on the dreadmill but decided the heat is better than that!

I was home and went into the B1 storage room and got rid of two boxes of old paperwork from past community meetings! The recycling people will pick up on Wednesday!

Then it was a shower and Mom Care. I put in a load of laundry. While Mom ate, I went out to drop things off. Alan was home.

Isaiah had his men's Bible study group and then a talk hosted by Fubon Bank. He didn't get back until after 1pm.

Lunch was leftover and I had gotten stuff for a salad. It's so hot that I just want to eat salads and fruit.

We left at 5:30 for the airport. And it was a miracle that Abby caught the flight from Hong Kong to Taipei as the flight from Qatar was late. God did it!

She arrived at 6:30 but her luggage didn't. So, they will drop off the luggage at our house tomorrow. We went to the mall and shopped and ate. Yes, we spent like 15,000NT$ for five pairs of shoes and three pieces of clothing items. Two pairs for Alan, two pairs for Abby and one pair for Isaiah. And the clothes were for Isaiah! We didn't get home until 11pm! What fun!

At the airport! First time in a long time!

Tomorrow is going to be a long day as Alan and Isaiah have a tennis tournament and Abby will go for a run! I will walk and pick trash. Of course, Mom care and then church!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6  NIV #votd . . . #BixbyOklahoma #BixbyOK #Tuls… | Psalm 150, Let it be,  Praise the lords

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Friday, June 14, 2024

A Date within A Date!

I ran 9k... and it was ... yes... HOT!

I came home and got Mom off and then I went to WGE.

Alan and I met at 10am and left for Costco Beitou. We first picked up Coco, of course... and then we had asked a friend to meet us there. I had a hot dog and drink... yeah. It was so yummy!

Then we went to pick up things from a friend who is moving... the same friend that I helped with her new place, going over design ideas. She's the one living in our Danhsui apartment.

We ran a few more errands and got home just in time for Mom! 

What a busy day!

Tonight, Isaiah had his dentist appointment and then dinner out with his co-workers.

I had a nice free evening and decided to go to bed early... Maybe I can get up by 4am and do a quick run before the heat hits!

And Abby arrives tomorrow night! YEAH!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 Kings 9:4 WEB - As for you, if you will walk before me, as David

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Sabbath in Extreme Heat!

Yup, it hit 34 today! Even at 5am, it was 28! Yes, there were clouds in the sky and a slight breeze, but I could not run! Hit 8k! That was a miracle!

Mom went off to the Day Care Center and after cleaning things up, I ate breakfast and worked on my Bible study homework! Absolutely delightful!

When that was finished, I sat on the sofa and read! 

I got up from time to time as I put ground beef and other ingredients into the crock pot so that Alan and Isaiah will have some delicious dinner ready for when they get home! It sure smelled good!

Alan played tennis and coached a gal and was out there until 12:30. It was scorching!

In the afternoon, I called the dentist so that Isaiah and Alan can go and get their teeth cleaned. I also cracked a padlock that I found. Yes, I watched an YouTube video and it worked!

I finished another great book and while I sat and read, I sent the iRobot mop to clean the floor!

Isaiah and Alan both went to play basketball at Soochow University this evening! I decided to scooter over to WGE for the AC after Mom went to bed! I think I might have to do part of my run on the "dreadmill" this summer! I looked at the weather and even at 4am, the temperature will still be hot!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 Kings 8:60 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is  God. There is no other!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Usual Wednesday!

I was up early and went out for a 9k run. I was planning on only 7k but I pushed through! YEAH! Yes, it was blaring hot!

After Mom went off to the Day Care Center, I was down to help with the recycling. Everything was taken! It looked so nice and clean!

It was already 9:30. I was home to prep for my messages! YEAH!

For lunch, I ate the leftovers from yesterday's Bible study! Absolutely delicious! And I sat back down to work some more!

Before going off to tutor, I put lots of stuff down on the first floor as there were people coming by to pick things up!

I had tutoring from 4:30 to 5:30 and then stopped at WGE. Alan was home for Mom Care!

This evening... it was the dreaded Complex Meeting! We got some really bad news: two of the top individuals are going to resign by the end of June. We are going to have two new people on the complex management team assigned from the management company! Just when we were getting on track with this new company... Please pray!

Alan is officially finished with this school year. He now needs to finish his grades. He hopes to get that done by tomorrow.

Isaiah was at work and went to visit with Fenny! She is leaving for a 10-day trip to Tibet on Friday!

Abby is getting ready to return to Taiwan and we want to make sure she makes an appointment with the Passport Office so that we won't have to wait in line on Monday! I will keep you updated on that!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Numbers 22:33 KJV - And the ass saw me, and turned from me these

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

It Is Blaring Hot Already!

It hit 93 today... with a feel of 100!

I was up, but not early enough. So, I just ran 8k.

No time for WGE. 

I baked and Mom Care!

I had Bible study this morning and two ladies brought a savory dish and a dessert plus fruit. We had such a feast, both in the word of God and with nutritious food!

After I cleaned up, I took a nap! I thought about using the day to catch up on housework, but decided that rest was more important!

I had tutoring at 3:30 and that went well.

Mom was back promptly at 5:15 and dinner was ready! In fact, I have enough food for her for the whole week!

Tonight was Family Time! It will be the last time before Abby boards the plane! We had lots to talk about as she needed to make an appointment for getting her passport renewed!

Alan had a very long day... his final day of oral tests with his students! One more student tomorrow as she didn't make it last week and then he will start on his grades!

Isaiah was at work all day... nice with AC!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Please pray for Fenny, Isaiah's friend. I shared with her about Jesus and have encouraged her to say yes to Jesus and to think on John 3:16 every morning. Please pray that she will open her heart and her life to Jesus. She is going to travel to Tibet for 10 days, starting on Friday. Please intercede for her that the blood of Jesus would cover her!

God is good. God's faithful love lasts forever. 2 Chronicles 5:13 | Biblical  quotes inspirational, Love me quotes, God loves me

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Monday, June 10, 2024

Holiday Monday!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival 2021 - PropertyFactSheet

I did not get up early today... So, I was out for my run close to 8am. It was hot, even though it was partly cloudy! I really need to get up before 4:30 this summer if I want to fit in a run or else I will have to run on a dreadmill! 

I got home and left to take a shower at WGE and then bought special breads at Carrefour.

Isaiah and Alan were home.

It was Mom care and she was very lethargic! 

I guess I should have just let her stay in bed!

We left at 4pm to pick up Fenny for dinner out! I put Mom to bed at 7pm and we played Mahjong! 

I hope she feels better for tomorrow and to resume her daily routine of going to the Day Care Center! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Proverbs 22:29 WEB - Bible Study, Meaning, Images, Commentaries,  Devotionals, and more...

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Packed Sunday!

I was up early and of course, Sunday, no Run Day!

But I used the morning hours after time with Jesus to get Abby's room ready. Making that bed was the most difficult thing! I also set all her Minions on her bed and cleared off things! Wow... Her room looks great!

Then it was Mom Care. Since Alan and Isaiah were home, I went for a quick walk to pay Mom's Day Care bill! It was raining and felt so nice to walk!

We went to church and helped with set up!

Isaiah led worship and I translated. We had several visitors! And for Love Feast, we had tzong-tzi. YUMMY! I ate too many as they grew in my stomach! But I just have a hard time resisting! It's the Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow... and I love tzong-tzi. I bought 10 more, as there were leftovers and put them in the freezer! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

John 21:17 | Prayer scriptures, Bible prayers, Bible verses quotes

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Thinking Back...

Was it last year when I was back in the States with Isaiah during the Dragon Boat Festival? 

Alan went to the Soochow University Graduation! 

We both were up early. He went and played tennis and I had my run! Isaiah had his Men's group at 7am. Then he went and played tennis. I stopped at WGE for 20 minutes and came back! Mom Care!

I did a load of laundry! And the long weekend has started. The Dragon Boat races were right at the park, but it's too hot to go outside. Last year, as you might recall, Alan almost killed my mom because of dehydration. He had to walk Mom into the park since cars were not allowed to enter! I don't think I'm going to do that this year!

Tonight, we went and helped the couple again so that they can have a date!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD  establishes their steps. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The  Bible App Now

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Friday, June 7, 2024

A Productive Date!

I totally forgot that this is the beginning of the long weekend. Monday is Dragon Boat Festival!

I was up early... and went out for my 9k. I always check the weather report and it's going to get hot... probably from Tuesday on to the day after Mid Autumn Festival... Sad, sad, sad... 

I was back and Mom Care! 

When Mom took off, I checked the recycling and went to WGE for my shower and quick workout.

Alan and I had made plans to be back by 10:30 so that we can go and have brunch. I found a great little restaurant that had a mixture of Chinese and Western breakfast items!

We then went and picked up Tzong-tzi at Elaine's office. Her mom made them! WOW! Then we were off to Costco and RT Mart! We needed milk and Alan wanted to buy chips for the long weekend!

We also wanted to buy this new coffee packets that Isaiah likes!

We were home by 3pm and after putting everything away, I promptly laid down for a nap!

Mom was home right on time! I had her dinner ready. And I watched two episodes of Poirot... I just love that show!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Proverbs 14:30 | The Consecrated Woman

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ditto Yesterday!

I felt tired all day... So glad that it was my Sabbath!

After Mom left, I went back to rest and read!

At around 11:30, I went out for a nice slow jog... I went for 10k because it was drizzling out! Then I went to WGE for a shower and a short workout!

I made a nice huge salad and feasted. What do you think I did afterwards?

Yes, I went back to nap some more!

Alan was home and he left for basketball at Soochow!

Mom was back! After she went to bed, I finally started to get a few things done!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 11:25

I just love this verse... it's so true!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Tired Wednesday!

I was up early and went out for my 9k. But I was feeling so lethargic... 

I got Mom off and then went down to do the usual Wednesday recycling and there was a lot of get done. The people hauled off all the stuff from that B1 room which I cleaned out, but they couldn't take all the boxed up paper goods. I stacked everything up in a corner and then worked on the janitor's room!

I was finally back home and had breakfast at 11am!

I was going to go to WGE for a nice long shower and a workout, but instead I decided to just shower at home so that I can nap!

I had tutoring at 4:30 and it was raining!

The session went long and then on the way home, I had to get soy bean milk, pay a few bills and get gas! Alan was home with Mom as we don't have the helper for the month of June -- no helper for Mom pick up on Wednesday and Friday! That's ok! The helper for the Wednesday and Friday will start back in July!

After Mom went to bed, I had prayer time with another gal.

Isaiah went off to meet his 'friend' for dinner... they are not dating... YET!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Verse4Today Proverbs 9:9‭-‬10... - Sapphire Throne Media | Facebook

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ