Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Day Kept Running... Without Me...

I went early to get my 9k in... 

Then it was Mom Care. I had to touch-up on her hair as I missed a few spots... and of course, there is always the BM to take care of.

After she took off, it was the recycling again... every Wednesday.

I got home and cleaned up her room, reorganizing her drawers as I had to get the summer and winter clothes switched. I also took down the clothes that were dried and put another load in of Mom's stuff!

I had lunch and got everything ready for my Bible study as I wanted to go early to start the cinnamon rolls, using an air fryer! What a fun time we had! This was our last time and I had made up a review worksheet!

I rushed home to meet up with the management supervisor as we needed to clear out junk from this storage area. There were boxes of old paperwork. I couldn't decide on those. I wanted to trash them, but I better not! So, we just worked on stuff that was junk! It was a very productive hour.

The helper came and I went out to get Chinese medicine and do a quick workout at WGE. It was very quick.

When I got home, I got corralled in the elevator because some of the residents wanted to ask about the new safety doors that we have installed... And there were meeting notes that I had to sign... Yes, I'm counting down to December!!!!!!!

I got Mom to bed and sat and watched one episode of Poirot. 

Prayer time at 9pm. When that was finished, I was so ready for bed!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Here is one of the questions from today's review worksheet:

What are some common hindrances to prayer?


Some common hindrances to prayer are…

And I asked them to memorize a verse that will help build their prayer life. Here are a few of their choices:

Fear Not: Zephaniah 3:16-17

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance  about what we do not see. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The  Bible App Now

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)