Sunday, May 5, 2024

Strengthen by the Lord Sunday!

Only by the strength of God... 

Isaiah went back to the retreat by bus and Alan picked him up.

I was up super early and got things ready and Mom up and showered and dressed and eating... 

The helper came at 11am and I had to rush out the door on my scooter at 11:09 to catch the 11:32 bus... to Linkou!

The bus didn't come and I was getting a bit worried. It finally showed at 11:44 and I was in at the bus terminal and the brother of the bride came to pick me up.

I thought there was to be a rehearsal, but NO... the place was roaring with activities as they were still setting up for the reception and the amount of activities that were happening... I found the MC and we went over the program. I had no idea what each person was going to say but the program looked long!

God sustained me... 

After helping to clean up, I got a ride to the banquet hall... and the Lord worked miraculously as I was seated at a table with two other couples who adopted and their kids were there, as well as a dear friend's adopted adult son who is now back in Taiwan. So, three 'sets' of adoptive parents with three different adopted kids... the conversation was so amazing... The Lord also brought me to meet up with some other Christian friends who needed a bit of encouragement. Then I got to talk to the photographer who is from Columbia and another gal from North Carolina... The whole day was filled with some God-ordained, God-led, connections!

I didn't leave to go home until 10:10 and with all the food that I packed up, I had to take a taxi! 

Isaiah was home and Alan just got home. Why? He had to go back because the person who used his computer left the charging cable at the retreat site. The poor guy was exhausted.

I spent the next hour getting everything put away and crashed in bed by 11:45! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

The Sunday Service was at the Retreat and the title was: Received the Holy Spirit, from John 20:22!

John 20:22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to  them, Receive you the Holy Ghost:

I think the Holy Spirit was breathing on me as I translated. People said I did a great job... and I felt as if I was stumbling through the whole service. I think the Lord did something between what I said and what they heard!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 | Romans 5 3 4, Bible study scripture, Faith inspiration

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