Friday, May 10, 2024

Not Our Normal Date!

Alan had to go by school to see how the ICEE final event was doing. It's the big translation event! I didn't have time to run early, so I went out at 9:20... and was it ever so so hot??? As I wrote earlier, I'm not training, so I just ran 9k.

I then went to WGE for a shower and a very quick workout! Alan and I met back at home at 11:30.

Isaiah had a company basketball tournament and his first game was at 11am, which he won. He had another game at 12noon. We missed it, but we caught his next three. He lost the 14:10 game, so we left! The team that beat his team went on to win the Championship!

We found a small Cantonese restaurant nearby that was still opened and had a nice simple lunch. It was so blaring hot. We rode home, making a stop at Costco for milk!

Then I took a nap... The heat exhausted me. I had a helper come to watch Mom... that's so nice!

This evening we had dinner at the Teppanyaki place with our friends from the States.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 66:3 Say To God, How Awesome Are Your Deeds! So Great, 52% OFF

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)


  1. ok I still need to answer your questions from long ago, and Abby's questions too....

  2. not as busy as you, I am just injured.... back still no good
