Tuesday, May 21, 2024

An Unexpected Gift... A Free Tuesday!

I was out early for my 9k... and then had a quick shower!

I wanted to trim Mom's hair, so I got her up earlier than usual!

She went off and I started on my Bible study homework. Finished it! 

Alan had gone to see Isaiah's softball tournament, which was right at the park where I run... Isaiah won their first game! Alan went off to school.

I finished my talk notes and my ppt for Sunday.

Then after lunch, I got a call... Isaiah was in an ambulance being sent to the ER. He ran into another guy! I scootered over... He only needed stitches! They thought it was more serious because he was very dizzy! It turned out the cause of that was not a concussion, but because he didn't eat and the heat got to him! He came home and took a shower and went back to work!

I had a few errands to run, but I decided to wait until tomorrow as I don't have to tutor tomorrow! I did stop by WGE for just 10 minutes!

I had dinner ready for her... after she went to bed, I worked on putting together the dessert for tomorrow's Bible study at Soochow. It will be our last time for this semester... and that's the end of another school year. I am pretty sure they will ask me to lead this again next school year!

Daily Lovely Insight:

All Nations Breakthrough Church - The philistines were attacking the  children of Israel because they didn't want to see them productive in any  way. We see Shammah taking a stand and God

Sometimes breakthroughs and victories come only when you're willing to stand your ground... even if no one else stands with you!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)


  1. Hey the concussion can be serious. Need to be watched and no vomiting and all that.

  2. Oh absolutely... Isaiah is ok...

  3. Very glad he’s okay.
