Friday, May 3, 2024

Relaxing Date!

I went for a walk on the treadmill at WGE after Mom left for the Day Care Center!

Alan and I met back at home at 10:30 and decided to eat the leftovers as I had made this great salad and we still had two burgers which I added extra cheese! We took a nap for an hour and then headed out! We were in search of giant marshmallows. Costco didn't have them. RT Mart didn't have them. We finally found them at Carrefour! YEAH! We did find some great chocolate bars at RT Mart... so 1000NT$ there and another 800NT$ at Carrefour! Alan wanted to play a game and do S'mores at the campfire time during the retreat. Isaiah and I won't be there for that. 

When we finished at Carrefour, we looked at our watch and it was already 5:30. We had to head back home!

Tonight, we met up with friends from the States for dinner.

Isaiah will have softball practice tomorrow morning and Alan will play tennis. I hope to go for a quick run then get Mom ready before the helper comes at 11am.

This weekend is going to be packed!

Daily Lovely Insight: Psalm 107:1 - Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good - 120  Page Journal - Lined with Encouraging Bible Verse on each page: H,  FlutterBy: Books

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses