Sunday, May 26, 2024

My Back Is "Off"!

Yup... I will definitely go for a massage tomorrow... 

I walked on the dreadmill for an hour... and took a nice long shower at WGE. 

Then it was home for Mom Care. I really need to be careful. Dealing with her BM yesterday was what got my back 'off', as I was trying to maneuver myself in our small bathroom! AIYO!

I share today and I was feeling so tired. So, it was the Holy Spirit!

We had a great love feast and after helping out with clean up, we were home by 8pm. Someone dropped off more stuff for donation. I sorted and will give most of it to be shipped to the Philippines!

I was so ready for bed tonight!

Daily Lovely Insight:

John 14:26

Discover God's Word: John 14:26

Bring to remembrance all things that I said to you... like what things?

Read John 14:27-28!

That's how beautiful and faithful our God is!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)


  1. you be careful with that back, ain't no getting better with age/wisdom!!!

  2. Trust me... I try to be very careful with my back... but what to do about Mom's bowel movements?
