Friday, May 17, 2024

A Great Date!

I ran early as the weather says that it was going to be hot... 

After Mom went off to the Day Care, I started to tidy up the room as I had to change the sheet!

Alan came home early... what a nice surprise, so we were off earlier than planned!

I had heard about Keelung Harbor Night Market, which has a few famous food stalls. These stalls are opened by 11am.  We bought three sandwiches, 15 mini sausages, super sized bubble milk tea in several flavors, then ate at an outdoor mall, looking at Keelung Harbor.

After lunch, we found a traditional acupressure massage place and enjoyed two hours of bliss. Alan was snoring!

We strolled back to the night market and found fried onion cakes... they were so delicious. We finished them on the drive home! Alan stopped at WGE and I did a quick workout before going home.

We will definitely go back to Keelung again... maybe when Abby is back in Taiwan!

Daily Lovely Insight:

2 Samuel 17:23 When Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been followed,  he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. He put his  affairs in order

This advisor had a real problem... he put his identity and worth all on how people valued his counsel. And when that failed... You can read what he did!

What does this say to you about where you should put your worth and identity?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)


  1. Not in the world, BUT GOD will not fail

  2. To hang himself... first he put everything in his household in order!
