Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Pre-Typhoon Relaxing Day!

I was up early and the clouds were beautiful. No rain... But when I went out to run my 8k, for one K, the wind was quite strong... I slowed down to 7:15. It was quite warm... 

I got Mom up and out and I went to WGE after checking on the recycling and posting more stuff to give away. The person came and picked it up at 12:30! YEAH!

I was home by 11am and had to chop a bunch of papers for the complex. At 12, Alan came home and we had lunch together. Splendid! Next Tuesday, we will not be able to do this.

While he had a meeting for HOP, I read on the sofa and took a nap. His meeting didn't finish until 3:30, so we didn't have time to go out and ride around as Mom was due back by 5:10. He went to buy his usual CoCo drinks: bubble milk tea, mango ice, etc.

Yes, Annie gets the news faster than I do... Krathon is the name of the typhoon that's going to hit Taiwan tomorrow and Thursday. I'm not sure how severe it will be... I have tutoring on Wednesday... and it's my Sabbath on Thursday. If they call a 'typhoon day', Mom's day care will be cancelled... I will keep you posted. So far, right now, it's as calm as calm can be!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Verse of the Day - Matthew 8:25-26 | The Wind

Matthew 8:28-34 – Fingerprint Parables

Jesus calms the storms. Jesus cast out the demons. Read chapter 8 and be encouraged. 

What are the storms in your life? (We have a typhoon blowing our way!)

What are the exceeding fierce uncontrollable situations that you are facing? Or situations that seem to be blocking your path?

Let Jesus handle them!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

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