7:30I was up and out and ran my 8k. It was sprinkling with a few gusts of strong wind... and it was much warmer than I'd have liked...
I came home and took a shower and decided to wait to wake my mom up...
I sat and read... SO DELIGHTFUL. I also did my simplicity study...
I made Mom some sesame paste cereal... It turned out really delicious... I could have eaten the whole pot by myself!
I went down to check on the recycling area... the leak was pretty bad, so the area had a lot of water. I got the security guard to get buckets and he will have to check every two hours.
We still have leftover from last night's hot pot that I made...
It seems as if everyone just stayed home...
I had tutoring at 7:30pm and no Family Time as Abby was pressing forward with helping Bella...
Daily Lovely Insight:
I read this great idea today from a professor at Biola University:
The theologian, Timothy Keller, who may have been the CS Lewis of our times, he stopped and prayed 5 psalms a day, throughout the day, every day, for the last 20 years of his life. That's praying through all 150 Psalms, every single month, 12 months of the year — year after year, for 20 years.
Maybe I will try this for 2025?!?!?!
Seek Him First!