Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Typical Sunday!

Yes, I was up early... and had a list of things to get done.

I went to Costco again... and this time, I was able to buy all the items that we didn't get last night.

Then I did go to WGE and worked out and took a quick shower.

It was Mom care and I made her soup. I know... I also gave her a few dinner rolls.

Alan and Isaiah had a tennis tournament. Isaiah came in first and Alan came in second.

And as for the baseball playoff... The Dodgers won against the Padres... ha, ha, ha...

We left for church as we're always there early to do the set up.

We had quite a few visitors...

Isaiah translated for our guest speaker.

We were home by 7:30 and I had to put everything away and get Mom to bed.

The week has started!

Daily Lovely Insight:

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Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Typical Saturday...

I was up early and went out for 9k. I am trying to mix up my running, so I did a faster run! On the way back, I ran into friends from church! Here's a picture:

I was home and decided not to go to WGE for my shower and workout. Instead, I hung out at home, putting clothes away. Oh, I forgot to mention that I hit 60kilometers this week!

Then it was mom care and since Alan was home, while he supervised Mom, I went out to run two errands.  We can no longer leave her 'unattended' even for a minute!

Isaiah did not go and play tennis. He needs to... but I think he's getting lazy.

A friend came over in the afternoon and Alan had a Sunday school meeting. Isaiah went to meet up with Fenny!

After Mom went to bed, Alan and I went out... dinner and Costco! How nice!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ephesians 1:3 |

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Friday, October 4, 2024

Typhoon Has Passed...

I was up early and ran my 8k. 

Then it was Mom care as the Day Care Center is back in service!

After Mom took off, I tidied up, checked recycling and went to WGE for a shower and workout! Unfortunately, I did not have time for a workout as the Complex had issues.

I was home by 11:10 and Alan and I went out to lunch... My House Steakhouse, with a buffet salad bar and lots more. We really liked the place. Sure, it was 25US$ for the two of us... but we left feeling quite full and satisfied.

I had tutoring at 5pm, but the Mom messaged me, "Can I start earlier?" I rushed over there in the rain and their other son said he was feeling sick!?!?!?! So, I only had to tutor for an hour! AIYO! 

I paid a bill on the way back and did not stop at WGE for a quick workout. I decided to go home as I had to do Mom Care! And a sister who is going through a tough time is asking for daily prayer time... I try to pray with her when time permits!

The weekend has started... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Isaiah 50:4 (Promise)

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Typhoon Day... Not My Usual Sabbath Day... WAHHHHHH...

I was up early and went out for my run... 9k and it was only slightly sprinkling with slight gusts of wind... WHY DID THEY CALL ANOTHER TYPHOON DAY????

I was home and got Mom up. She had spit up during the night... what a mess! I gave her a long shower and then proceeded to do a load of laundry! She was hallucinating... and Isaiah felt like Grandma was in the Twilight Zone... She was asking for a salad and chopsticks and reporting on the weather!

Alan had a lunch meeting with a brother from his Bible study group. I tried to work but it was very difficult as I had to constantly keep an eye on Mom. She was talking and then saying she needed to get up to get a fork or a cup, and she would actually attempt to get up. Or she would not use the spoon in her bowl and instead use her hands. I had to jump up and stop her! As soon as she put her spoon down, her next bite would be the use of her hands. I got really good at jumping! Finally, I just stopped trying to work.

I was going to be tutoring tonight, but the wind did get a bit stronger, so the gal decided not to come over! That's ok... it was nice to just sit and read... To end the day like how I would have liked to start my Sabbath on Thursdays!

At 8pm, they DID NOT say another Typhoon Day... Hopefully, Mom will be able to go to the Day Care Center... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I am reading a book by Max Lucado... I've had this book on my shelf for a while... and I thought it was interesting that he wrote about being caught in the storm of the "not yet". You can read it in John 6:16-17!

John 6:17 got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. It was  already dark, and Jesus had not yet gone out to them.

And in verse 18, you read:

John 6:18 KJV Bible Verse Images

What happened in verse 19?

Read it... they had to row for about three or four miles... 

The 'not yet'... 

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Typhoon Day... They Called It Too Soon...

We might be having another TYPHOON DAY tomorrow... AIYO!

So, on Tuesday night at 8pm, the government announced that we'd have a Typhoon Day: No School, No Work... of course that means NO DAY CARE CENTER for Mom.

I was up early and went out for my run... but it was nice and cool and I didn't need to rush home, so I just decided to run... and I ran 16k... If I had brought water or a gel pack, I think I would have just kept going... The sun did come out and that made it a bit too warm!

I got home and saw that the Naples Missions Team will be leaving this Saturday and they will take the winter items that I've been saving! I also got a call that the recycling people will be coming! YEAH! 

So, first I helped the recycling get everything loaded and then came back home to pull out all the stuff! I packed that black suitcase that Alan came back with: 23.3 KILOS! They just had flooding which devastated them, ruining everything. And these people are already so poor. I gave away my North Face jackets, and turtle necks, and coats... and blankets... 

I got Mom up and she was eating well. Since Alan was home, I drove over to drop off the suitcase. The youth of the church needed a room divider, so I gave that away as well. I stopped at WGE and paid a couple of bills and came home.

Alan and Isaiah went for a massage at 4pm. TWO LUXURIOUS HOURS! I stayed home with Mom.

I cleaned up the house, putting away all the stuff that I had pulled out to get to the winter items! And while I was not paying attention, Mom pulled her diaper and peed... while sitting at the dining room table. So... I had to do a major cleaning and changed the seat that she was sitting on. I think that's going to the dumpster! She was again a bit active and hallucinating. She also had a lot of sputum! What a day... 

At 8pm, the government announced: tomorrow will be another typhoon day! AIYO!!!!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Luke 1:46-47 - Wellspring Christian Ministries

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Pre-Typhoon Relaxing Day!

I was up early and the clouds were beautiful. No rain... But when I went out to run my 8k, for one K, the wind was quite strong... I slowed down to 7:15. It was quite warm... 

I got Mom up and out and I went to WGE after checking on the recycling and posting more stuff to give away. The person came and picked it up at 12:30! YEAH!

I was home by 11am and had to chop a bunch of papers for the complex. At 12, Alan came home and we had lunch together. Splendid! Next Tuesday, we will not be able to do this.

While he had a meeting for HOP, I read on the sofa and took a nap. His meeting didn't finish until 3:30, so we didn't have time to go out and ride around as Mom was due back by 5:10. He went to buy his usual CoCo drinks: bubble milk tea, mango ice, etc.

Yes, Annie gets the news faster than I do... Krathon is the name of the typhoon that's going to hit Taiwan tomorrow and Thursday. I'm not sure how severe it will be... I have tutoring on Wednesday... and it's my Sabbath on Thursday. If they call a 'typhoon day', Mom's day care will be cancelled... I will keep you posted. So far, right now, it's as calm as calm can be!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Verse of the Day - Matthew 8:25-26 | The Wind

Matthew 8:28-34 – Fingerprint Parables

Jesus calms the storms. Jesus cast out the demons. Read chapter 8 and be encouraged. 

What are the storms in your life? (We have a typhoon blowing our way!)

What are the exceeding fierce uncontrollable situations that you are facing? Or situations that seem to be blocking your path?

Let Jesus handle them!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ