This weather zaps my energy...
Mom had her massage this afternoon and we took the bus home. I got her to walk some, but not as much as last week.
In the morning, Alan had a skype call with his Mom... So nice to see her and Aunt Ethel and Gina and Alden! They are doing well... but just cooped up! It's been almost three months!
I biked this evening in order to get my scooter and to buy food for tomorrow's dinner... Simple Sunday Supper -- hot dogs, salad and chips... I needed more romaine lettuce... plus our soda stream needed a new cartridge...
Abby had practice this morning... She was so hot... and then she went straight to her internship...
Isaiah had tutoring this morning and this evening he had a 'drinking party'... As I write this, he is not home...The end of the year basketball party is at a bar... All you can eat and all you can drink... for about 600NT$ per person!
I did not get to my friend's dissertation... I hope to have time this evening or tomorrow morning...
Today's Daily Lovely Insight:
I'm reading I Samuel and looking at all the names of places. I wanted to see where these places are located... Eli and the temple were at Shiloh and Samuel spent his growing up years there... but later in life, he settled back in Ramah, where his parents are from... He made his 'rounds', going to Bethel, Gilgal and Mizpah as he judged Israel in all those places! But Ramah was his home... And in I Samuel 7: 17, it says "And he built there an altar to the LORD." This man was married, but his son did not do well... They did not walk in his ways but took bribes and perverted justice. How this must have broken Samuel's heart... But that's what I shared last week at HOP... People we love often make choices that break our heart... We have to PRAY and TRUST, NOT CONTROL or MANIPULATE... Samuel's heart also broke when Saul didn't follow God... Samuel continually encouraged the Israelites to "ONLY fear the LORD, and serve him faithfully with all your heart; for consider what great things he has done for you..." I can see Samuel's grief and how he prayed... So we, in our grief, need to go to God and pray... Maybe we won't see the answer to our prayer before we go to our heavenly home, but let us not be discouraged in our prayer and in speaking truth and in loving others.
Seek Him First!
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