Thursday, May 21, 2020

Appreciating the Rain...

I went out for my run this morning before the rain... when the air was muggy... Eddie gave me this watch that monitors your distance and your heart rate and your VO2MAX. I had no idea what that is... but I hit 47 today... So, that is good... I think... I pushed myself to run 'faster' even though it was warm and muggy...

In the afternoon I had tutoring and errands to run. I forgot to go to the library... I must remember to go tomorrow...

I started to work on my prayer walk notes... the focus: FAMILY!

Abby had her FINAL basketball competition... Alan went... Isaiah couldn't go as each person who wanted to go must be registered. Yes, covid-19 rules... they limit the number of people inside the gym.

Isaiah was to have tennis practice, but the rain was coming down pretty hard... so it was cancelled. He could have gone to Abby's game...

Since Alan was there, we asked him to give us regular updates... They lost... WAHHHHH... Business Management is a strong team... the score? 29-11

Daily Lovely Insight:
So I've come to the end of I Samuel and there Saul is hit by an arrow... and he asks his armor bearer to kill him. He doesn't want the Philistines to find him and torture or gauge out his eye like they did to Samson. But the armor bearer refuses and Saul takes his own life. That's the thing about Saul, even from the very beginning of his reign. In I Samuel 13, he takes things into his own hands and makes the offering instead of waiting for Samuel. He thinks he is doing the right thing when he is just doing his own thing. That's a good warning that the Bible seems to repeat.. .Are we taking matters into our own hands or are we really waiting upon and following God? Good reminder... Mistakes and regrets happen when we take things into our own hands and play God. We don't do very well playing God.

Seek Him First!
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  1. That is a good idea for us to wait on God as we can really make bad decisions on our own.

  2. People tend to rush in and follow their own timetable for things...
