I slept and read... I didn't even want to eat lunch.
This evening I had our Bible study and that was great.
Abby won her game, so her team is heading to the finals! That will be on Thursday.
Isaiah was home by 5:30 to care for Mom. I left at 6pm.
Daily Lovely Insight:
So, here are my questions?
1. Why did Abigail who was so wise marry Nabal, the fool?
2. Why did God bless Nabal with wealth when he is such a fool?
It was the custom of that time to practice hospitality, but Nabal didn't. Not only was he a fool, he was stingy!
So, I guess that's why when Nabal died, Abigail didn't seem to take any time to grieve and went on to marry David!
Seek Him First!
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