Sunday, January 31, 2021

What An Amazing Day!

God carried me throughout this day... It was a spirit-led day!

I spoke in the morning at Glory English Ministry and met so many new people. One gal was so ready to receive Jesus. Another group was from Indonesia and the gals were all strong believers. We prayed together after the service.

I then had to rush home and give Mom a shower and ready for church. She was actually feeling tired from all the excitement yesterday!

I rode my scooter to church and shared about Moses. 

Candice called and said that they were still out to dinner, so asked if we could start at 7:30. So, I rode over to the old house and started cleaning. I got a lot done in 30 short minutes!

We wrote a film analysis and I was home before 10pm.

As I sit here, blogging, there were many moments when I felt exhausted or hungry... I prayed and the Lord strengthened and sustained me. It was such a fruitful day! I love living life with God at the helm!

Daily Lovely Insight:

A canker sore... these past three days have been extremely busy. It just is such a bother to get a canker sore. I strongly dislike canker sores. They take forever to go away and they hurt... I am putting this watermelon frost on it but it isn't healed, yet... A canker sore reminds to rest and trust God more... He will carry me through! So, today, with all the talking I had to do, I didn't let the canker sore bother me... 

Seek Him First!


  1. HALT don't be too Hungry, angry, lonely and tired, HAHA TWO OUT OF FOUR no good, rest and eat

  2. Well... I think Moses experienced all of these plus more...
