Saturday, January 9, 2021

End of the Semester Tap Performance!

Having a goal of reaching 70km this week, I went for a quick one hour run this morning. Mom was watching Little House... And then I got ready to go as I had rehearsal at 3pm. I dropped off donations and went to the Community College. We went through the routine a few times... Everything was delayed. So, although we were scheduled to perform at 4:32, we didn't perform until 5:02... and Alan and Isaiah had to go and pick up Mom from her massage. They missed my performance! Abby was there!

After the performance, there was a raffle and we didn't win... Isaiah wanted a robot sweeper! There were three of those up for grab!

We all went out to dinner with the tap class people. What fun! Mom ate a lot! 

I went and finished packing the boxes after Mom went to bed! 

I was going to report that God healed Alan, but it hasn't been complete. That means he will not be going out to play tomorrow. He has missed tennis, softball and basketball for about 10 days now! That's an amazing long time for him.

Daily Lovely Insight:

David Livingstone said, "Sharing the Gospel is not about fulfilling the Great Commission. It is a natural part of our lives in Christ!"

Abby is reading his book and told me this... I quite agree. This has been on my heart... I really want to share Jesus with those in my tap dancing class! I want them to know Jesus!

Seek Him First!



  1. I think Alan would like God's time time to be the same as his !!!!! See what happened to me up at Half Dome, could not walk and carried down and a week or 10 days later, I slowly started limping around. God Bless Alan get better, do not do too much

  2. That's what he needs to remember: DO NOT DO TOO MUCH!

  3. In our minds, we are still so so young.
