Sunday, January 17, 2021

More Purchases!

This morning, while Mom was still sleeping, Alan, Isaiah and I went to the Shijr Costco to get the red iPhone 12, 256memory... Isaiah has been saving the money! He got it... and it's quite amazing. In five minutes all the data from his old phone, even our WiFi password, was automatically transferred to the new phone! No need to plug into anything... 

And we then went to RT Mart and got the detergent that was on sale... YIPPY!

We left for church at 2:30 and Mom had grapes and pineapple cakes and other snacks... 

Dinner was congee and at home, I had tofu and pumpkin cooking in a rice cooker... YUMMY!

Isaiah had to tutor and tomorrow he starts his paid internship, which we ask that you'd pray so that even when second semester starts, he will have a great job for the days he has no class!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Oh How He Loves You and Me... Pass It On... do you know who wrote those two contemporary Christian songs? Look these songs up... Read the lyrics... We sang Pass It On and since I'm preparing for a special Coffee Break message, the words were a wonderful reminder... 

Seek Him First!



  1. No, Abby got his old phone... I got another church friend's old phone.
