Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tutoring... Morning and Evening... And Cold, Cold, Cold...

The temperature dropped... bone chilly here... Even as I write, I'm drinking coffee with ginger tea... warms you up nicely!

This morning after finishing up with the laundry, I started tutoring... That went until 11:40 and then I had a quick lunch. I was meeting up with a friend, but she was late. So I had time to run an errand -- paid our credit card bill, which was a big one because of the lap top and Isaiah's iPhone 12. He gave me money... so that covered everything!

It was a good time to catch up with a dear friend. But I had to rush back for Mom... Got her dinner ready and after she was settled, I went off to tutor. Alan was home!

I don't like tutoring for exams... but this kid requested me. I asked him to do a cram school, but he said he rather do sessions with me. I don't feel as if I'm as 'efficient' as a cram school... but I promised this kid that I'd help him!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Unexpected blessings... that's the way I want to describe the 'surprises' that the LORD brings my way each day. Sometimes, we might not see them as blessings, but when our lives are surrendered to God, we begin to give thanks and see things through His eyes. Like Joseph, being sold into Egypt, God was working to save His people! Years before He already planned things. And I need to see the 'surprises' in my life in light of who God is!

So, for example, Isaiah received his 'papers' for military service. On 2/26, he will go and the government will have a public joint 'lot picking' day. Each young man will draw where he will be assigned for his military service. We are praying. Should he defer starting grad school and finish his military service first in light of Covid-19 situation? UK starts in September. Australia starts in February of 2022. I trust the LORD already knows about where he will be serving and the situation with Covid. I know that He has many 'unexpected blessings' in store for us in this season of our lives. He is trustworthy and faithful, perfect and merciful!

Seek Him First!


  1. oh wow, and the variant variety of the virus, what if he cannot come home??? GOD WILL PROVIDE, go ISAIAH GO

  2. We don't know if he will go this year as we don't want him to be doing his classes on line... what's the point? He could do that here in Taiwan!
