Friday, January 22, 2021

Marmalade & Cantonese Restaurant...

Orange Chicken 30 Minute Skillet Recipe - The Gunny Sack

I saw a new orange chicken recipe and wanted to try it. But the key ingredient is marmalade. You can't imagine how difficult it was trying to find it. I had sent Alan there, but he looked in the wrong place. So, this morning after our devotional and prayer time, we went to Carrefour again. And sure enough, they had orange marmalade for 2.50US$/jar. We bought six jars. They also had cherry jam and raspberry jam. We bought three of each. We dropped off everything and headed out to a new Cantonese restaurant. 

It was fabulous. We will definitely bring the kids next time!

There was a park nearby, so we sat there and talked after our delicious lunch.

When we got home, I started making the orange chicken. It turned out so nicely. The kids and Alan had it for dinner.

Alan was home for Mom while I went for a run! The weather was beautiful, but again, my legs were cooperating. When I got home, Alan went and played tennis with Isaiah. Abby went and worked out at the gym.

We had family time this evening.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Suz shared a beautiful verse in our Zoom chat -- Zephaniah 3: 16-17!

The LORD Your God in Your Midst: the Mighty One (3:16-17) – Along the Way

Seek Him First!

psalm 67 chiastic structure


  1. I MADE jars of marmalade and they are the best, come back

  2. Well, I'm using the marmalade for orange chicken... Homemade would be too much of a waste!
