Alan had his advisor's luncheon... He is the teacher assigned to the Freshmen B Class. If the students have problems, they are to go and talk to him. He is also to meet up with them on a regular basis and then have a luncheon or a meal with them once a semester.
So, this morning, we rushed off to shop... drinks, pizzas, snacks... etc. We made it by 12noon! Alan is of Samoan background... so with only 25 students, he bought enough to feed an army -- five pizzas from Costco, 10 2L bottles of a variety of drinks, 60 packets of hot chocolate, Costco muffins... and I also made two pans of desserts! I wonder how much leftover he will be bringing back tonight!
We are also having students at our house on Friday and on Saturday...
Yes... if this week reflects this New Year... 2018 will be another EVENT PACKED YEAR!
Seek Him First!
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