Today, I actually 'dragged' my daughter, Abby, out in the morning to get some exercise. She rode the bike for 15 kilometers while I ran 12 kilometers. Just last week, I would not have done it. Even today, by the time we were heading home, it was getting a bit too hot for the two of us. I had finished all my water and Abby said, "Peddling up that last hill to our house was exhausting." I think it was around 30C by 10:30. There was a slight breeze which helped a lot.
So, I'm thinking that perhaps in another two weeks, the weather would be much cooler...
I sure hope so. October is two days away and today still felt like summer.
Living in Germany, Fall was so beautiful. Autumn leaves all along the cobble stone path near the castle which was next door to where I lived. Here are a few pictures I found on the internet of what it looked like --
Seek Him First!
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