Saturday, January 27, 2024

Not As Busy As I Had Expected!

Thank you for your prayers... 

I am feeling better.

Not completely healed... but at least the throat is not raw!

I got up early to spend time with God and then went back to bed... I did not run! It took a lot of the fruit of Self Control from the Holy Spirit as the weather was splendid! But I don't want to tax my body and throw it into a downward spin!

I had time to message Abby and Alan and finally received some pictures! YIPPY!

I went out for a short walk and was back for Mom care!

I made oatmeal for her!

The afternoon passed rather quickly as Isaiah was home. I would go and lay down and nap and he would watch Mom.

The government helper came at 5:00 and I headed out to the Miramar Mall as I was gifting a couple my time to take care of their daughter while they had time for a date. I just walked her around in a stroller.

Isaiah had dinner out with Warwick friends! He was dressed up!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 Kings 19:12 After the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not  in the fire. And after the fire came a still, small voice.

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:4-5 - 88.3 The Journey


  1. talking an our on the phone didn't help, rest your voice

  2. It did not, but it was worth it... I think... I did suffer though... lots of hacking coughing for the rest of the day!
