Saturday, January 20, 2024

A Productive Saturday!

I was up early and put things away that were on Abby's bed! 

Then I went out for my 10k! 

After a shower, it was time to get Mom up. While she ate, I talked to Annie, KR and Eddie! What fun!

In the afternoon, Roger came over as we have a 'check up' time once a month!

The helper came at 5pm and Isaiah and I both took off. He had a two hour massage scheduled and I wanted to go get photos made: the photos from my run two weeks ago. And I stopped at WGE and stayed longer than 10 minutes!

I also went to Carrefour to pick up a few items and made the most delicious soup! Isaiah wanted soup.

Before heading back, the photos were ready!

I came home and enjoyed a nice evening!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Roger brought over lots of goodies: olive oil, white coffee, lunch box container... I'm so blessed! 

84 Bible Verses about Blessing - KJV -

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses


  1. Very productive chat it was and seeing mom too

  2. Catherine saw Mom too... and she will tell you! Mom is healthy but has serious dementia!
