Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Bible Study Tuesday & More!

I was up early... but I was not out running early... Oh well... 

I did go out after Mom was picked up! That's the usual routine now... Time with Jesus, Run or Mom Care... I would like to go out before Mom Care, but I need 70 minutes to complete 10k and then take a shower... 

Anyhow, I was home and the gals were already here!

I had the food in the rice cooker and we had five of us... I love having the gals over for Bible study! One gal brought dessert and fruit... Papaya! YUMMY! And the dessert was from Japan. Another sister brought two different kinds of chicken! I just needed to make rice and veggies! Oh... another gal brought chocolate cake. Too bad Alan is not here as we had a lot of leftovers!

After they left and things got cleaned up and put away, I went and got my hair trimmed. I'm trying to finish the money I put in at one of these hair cutting places. It was only 100NT$ for ladies, but it went up to 200NT$. Isaiah doesn't like the way they cut hair. They are like Supercut... I like it. 10 minutes and you're finished. Anyhow, I still have 300NT$ more to finish!

I went to WGE for a shower and a five minute rest in the sauna. I didn't have time to do a workout. I rushed home and the computer was weird. I couldn't get the Skype started. So, I had to cancel class! DARN IT!

I didn't have any appointments this evening, so I worked on ordering adult diapers. I think I will also go and watch a movie on Friday -- the Great Escape! That will depend on how much I finish for my talk prep... 

Isaiah was home. He thinks he will get his hair cut tomorrow night! I didn't get to talk to Alan!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I'm reading the book, the Power of Habit. It is to help people experience breakthroughs either in breaking bad habits or establishing good habits. But what I realize that if it was that simple, people would be 'perfect'. But what is unfortunate is what Jesus said as He invited the disciples to stay awake and watch and pray: the spirit is wiling but the flesh is weak... and if you've read Matthew 26, you know that the disciples all fell asleep! The real power comes from the Holy Spirit!

Holy Spirit Brings Anointing and Power – Part Two – In-filling Power –  Living the Abundant Life

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:4-5 - 88.3 The Journey