Saturday, October 2, 2021

Yeah for AC!

I thought getting our AC units repaired and cleaned meant we wouldn't be using them much until next summer and then we might not even be here... as we are planning to go to England and Europe! Hoping to see Isaiah's graduation... make it a graduation trip for Abby and send her off to DTS in Europe, MAYBE!

Anyhow, today, I woke up super early... Because Mom was in the shower! I won't go into details, but I had to do another load of laundry. She must have felt fine as she was in there and not using the chair. 

I was so tired. Gladly, she went back to bed and so did I after my time with Jesus!

Alan and Abby went and played tennis.

I had thought of going out for a run, but it was so hot even at 7am. So, I decided to go this evening and yes, it was still hot.

When Mom was back in bed, I worked on the back balcony. Actually I was searching for a hot plate as a friend needed one. I turned on the AC because it was hot!

Mom and Abby went to the massage. We have to have someone with her! Ms. Hsieh can't handle her without assistance! Oh well... at least Abby or Alan totally enjoys it!

I made a spectacular chicken dish... It will be enough for the weekend! I don't cook on Sunday and we still cannot have love feast at church. But good news -- by next Wednesday, Alan and Abby will be back in school. The government has announced that the requirements will be lowered. No need to wear mask if I'm out running. I have to bring one with me, but I don't need to have it covering my face. Church can have more people! And school will be face to face.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Col du Petit Mont-Cenis (Val-Cenis) | Haute Maurienne Vanoise

FS1205: Tree-Dwelling Lichens (Rutgers NJAES)

Lichen grows with vibrant colors in the most difficult situations up in higher altitude. But without those 'stimulus' they have a very bland look!

God walks with us through our difficulties and we grow to look more vibrant for His glory!

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"