Friday, October 8, 2021

Bubble Milk Tea Museum!

 Another Fun Friday!

But first, I had to do another load of laundry... and my left side got a bit whacked out... God is healing me!

We drove out to Ilan and had a fabulous lunch at the Bubble Milk Tea Museum Restaurant. All you can drink of the bubble milk tea and it was very delicious. Not diluted or watered down and they served it with plenty of 'pearl drops'. The company started with coffee beans and expanded to bubble milk tea and that's how they made their million!

We were hoping to go to a nearby beach, but no time! Yes, we had to rush back, fearing that the traffic would be horrendous since this is the beginning of the long 10/10 holiday weekend!

We did stop at Costco as pizza was on sale!

Abby had tutoring at 5pm and Mom was back promptly at 5:13!

It's still hot here... I got up early and went for a run before getting Mom up. That worked out well. After Mom went to bed, Abby went for a workout. Alan and I read our devotional books and I had time to 'nap' before talking to Isaiah. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Weekend Weave: Christian principles to meditate on while your body, mind,  and soul rest | Krisi Davis

Proverbs 14 30

I just wanted to share these two verses. May they speak to you and point you to the condition of your heart in this season of your life.

Seek Him First!

Time Of Madness – Psalm 67:1-2 | The Bottom of a Bottle