Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Yes, It's HOT!

 All I wanted to do today was SLEEP! It's like my body just wanted to take one long nap! BUT I couldn't.

Tutoring at 10:30... and taking care of Mom... 

Mom had a shower, but it was strange... the room smelled... and there was no insert when she went into the shower... HUM??? I found it... Let's not talk about what I had to do for the rest of the morning! I'll just say -- I did two loads of laundry!

In the afternoon, it was too hot to go outside, even though I needed to drop off donation. I gave myself time to rest!

This evening we had counseling.

Alan and Abby went to play tennis.

I had cooked two more days worth of delicious food... chicken with couscous, pumpkin soup with noodles, and Mexican style spaghetti with meatballs (leftover meat from the meatloaf)! 

After the counseling, the weather was finally cooler... so I went for a short run!

Daily Lovely Insight:

John MacArthur's Quote:

When we bless God, it is with words of praise; when God blesses us, it is with deeds of kindness.

I do find that God is so kind to me... He blesses me... all the time!

I am grateful!

Seek Him First!

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